Expertengespräch mit RT: “Es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis der Euro zusammenbricht”
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Expertengespräch mit RT: “Es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis der Euro zusammenbricht”

Der jüngste Trend der europäischen Länder, ihre Goldreserven zurückzuholen, hat in Brüssel Besorgnis ausgelöst. RT hat mit dem Experten Claudio Grass gesprochen, um zu verstehen, was hinter diesem Trend steckt. Die Welt entfernt sich von einem zentralisierten System, so Grass. Der Experte Claudio Grass, vom “Precious Metal Advisory Switzerland”: Die…

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Mehr als 80 Jahre war die Schweizerische Nationalbank eine unabhängige Institution – alleine der Geldwertstabilität und dem Wohl der Schweizer Bevölkerung verpflichtet. Garant hierfür war die Goldbindung des Franken. Geschichte lässt uns „Spuren der Vergangenheit“ erkennen und die damit verbundenen Trends beurteilen. Beispielsweise lässt sich so relativ einfach feststellen, ob…

Friedrich August von Hayek and the denationalisation of money with Claudio Grass/
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Friedrich August von Hayek and the denationalisation of money with Claudio Grass/

On Show 20 of the MisesUK.Org podcast, regular host Andy Duncan spoke with Claudio Grass, a Mises Ambassador for the Mises Institute and a precious metals advisor based in Switzerland, about Hayek’s ideas on the denationalisation of money. These stem from Hayek’s book on this subject first published in 1976….

Historic Bond Bubble Means Fastest Rate Rise Ever – Martin Armstrong
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Historic Bond Bubble Means Fastest Rate Rise Ever – Martin Armstrong

“The boom cannot continue indefinitely. There are two alternatives. Either the banks continue the credit expansion without restriction and thus cause constantly mounting price increases and an ever-growing orgy of speculation – which, as in all other cases of unlimited inflation, ends in a “crack-up boom” and in a collapse…

Fake News!

Fake News!

“Enlightenment is man’s emergence from his self-imposed nonage. Nonage is the inability to use one’s understanding without another’s guidance. This nonage is self-imposed if its cause lies not in lack of understanding but in indecision and lack of courage to use one’s mind without another’s guidance. Sauere Aude! Dare to…

Russia-China real gold standard means end of US dollar dominance on RT News
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Russia-China real gold standard means end of US dollar dominance on RT News

The BRICS counties are considering starting an internal gold trading platform, according to Russian officials. When this happens, the global economy will be significantly reshaped, and the West will lose its dominance, predicts a precious metals expert. In 2016, 24,338 tons of physical gold were traded, which was 43 percent…

Jeff Deist on Why Smaller is Better
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Jeff Deist on Why Smaller is Better

Jeff Deist, President of the Mises Insitute in Auburne ( spoke last week at a meeting of America’s Future Foundation ( on the why smaller government units are better, and how the Swiss principle of subsidiarity could help ease the nasty cultural and political divides facing America. Virtually every aspect…

Cracks in the Financial System are Showing Everywhere
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Cracks in the Financial System are Showing Everywhere

Claudio Grass joins us in today’s insightful interview, we cover the latest news and updates in the Gold Markets and ideal types of Bullion. Bitcoin is still rallying and we uncover the variety of motives users have when purchasing Digital Assets and also covered is the situation in the EU…

Responsa Liberta & Claudio Grass about decentralization and alternative currencies – German/Deutsch

Responsa Liberta & Claudio Grass about decentralization and alternative currencies – German/Deutsch

Auf der Internationalen Edelmetall- und Rohstoffmesse Anfang November 2017 in München haben wir mit Claudio Grass (, unabhängiger Berater im Bereich Edelmetalle, über das Thema Währungen gesprochen. Wie schätzt er Gold und die derzeit viel diskutierten Kryptowaehrungen ein? Und welche Vorteile sieht er in dezentralen Systemen wie der Schweiz? In…