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Former JP Morgan trader pleads guilty to manipulating US metals markets for years

“New York-based J.P. Morgan declined to comment on the case through a spokesman. It was reported earlier by the Financial Times.” An ex-J.P. Morgan Chase trader has admitted to manipulating the U.S. markets of an array of precious metals for about seven years — and he has implicated his supervisors…

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Impact Is Imminent: Getting Into Gold, Getting Out of the Euro (and Dollar)

by Patrick Henningsen –  this article was originally published on 21st Century Wire. It’s been a decade since the financial crash of 2008 which we now know was orchestrated by Wall Street and a compromised US Treasury Dept. Many believe that the very practice which triggered the collapse back then…

China’s monetary policy must change – by Alasdair Macleod
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China’s monetary policy must change – by Alasdair Macleod

“Major-General Qiao Liang, the People’s Liberation Army strategist, in a speech to the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Committee (CCPCC) in April 2015 identified a cycle of dollar weakness against other currencies followed by strength, which first inflated debt in foreign countries and then bankrupted them. That then allowed US business…

East trusts in physical gold while West prefers ‘mindless optimism’ – Claudio Grass to RT
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East trusts in physical gold while West prefers ‘mindless optimism’ – Claudio Grass to RT

RT: For years, Russia, China, India as well as many Asian countries have been stockpiling gold. More recently, countries like Poland and Hungary have begun to increase national gold reserves. What’s behind the move? Claudio Grass: Let’s look at the core motivation that drives anyone to become an owner of…

There will be a fake Brexit, dressed up to look like Brexit but will fool nobody!
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There will be a fake Brexit, dressed up to look like Brexit but will fool nobody!

Before becoming a politician, Godfrey Bloom worked in the City of London for forty years & won fixed interest investment prizes. Discontent with over-regulation of this sector, he entered the world of politics in 2004, as a Member of the European Parliament. Bloom represented Yorkshire as an independent MEP for…

US-Dollar ist die größte Blase – China hält dagegen!
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US-Dollar ist die größte Blase – China hält dagegen!

China baut auf dem internationalen Finanzmarkt Alternativen zum US-Dollar und den USA auf. Ein Beispiel dafür ist die Einführung der ersten Rohöl-Terminkontrakte in Yuan an der Shanghaier Börse. Auch westliche Länder realisieren, dass die größte Finanzblase der US-Dollar selbst ist. von Ali Özkök Claudio Grass ist Wirtschaftskommentator, Edelmetallberater in der…

Marshall-Plan diente der Schaffung eines Absatzmarktes für die Überproduktion der USA
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Marshall-Plan diente der Schaffung eines Absatzmarktes für die Überproduktion der USA

Die USA wollen seit der Übernahme der globalen Vormacht nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg Europa von Russland fernhalten, um die eigene Kontrolle über Eurasien auch in Zukunft zu sichern. Außerdem war eines der wichtigsten Ziele des Marshall-Plans die Schaffung eines Absatzmarktes in Europa für die Überproduktion der USA. von Ali Özkök…

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Swiss government Pension System chooses gold bullion over paper claims

Another country is betting on physical gold. Switzerland’s pension fund has boosted its investments in bullion, switching from the paper-backed securities in US dollars. “The Swiss government Pension System decided to change from paper gold in the amount of 700 million CHF into physical gold and store it in Switzerland….