A fork in the road: Digital Fiat vs. Decentralized Money
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A fork in the road: Digital Fiat vs. Decentralized Money

I have long thought about and written about the incredible opportunities that decentralized digital technologies have brought forward, especially when it comes to solving financial and monetary problems. The more these technologies and their applications develop and mature, the more I believe they hold many of the answers to some…

Get real, be real, and buy real – Part II
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Get real, be real, and buy real – Part II

Interview with David Morgan: Part II of II Claudio Grass (CG): During the first wave of lockdowns and travel bans we saw a lot of disruptions in the physical precious metal market. With delivery delays and logistics problems, has the situation fully normalized today for physical silver, or are you seeing…

“If you increase the competition of ideas, more truth emerges”
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“If you increase the competition of ideas, more truth emerges”

Interview with Icaros For this interview, I have reached out to Icaros, principal author of the blog coronacircus.com. He is part of a group of liberty lovers working to build a “freedom cell” in the Swiss Alps. Before the interview, he told me the project is advancing well, as four new families…

The bitcoin surge in its proper context
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The bitcoin surge in its proper context

Over the last few weeks we’ve been witnessing a historic surge in the Bitcoin price, a seemingly unstoppable ride that the mainstream media headlines can hardly keep up with. Especially following the news that Elon Musks’ Tesla bought $1.5 in the cryptocurrency, sending it to new record highs, most of the…

“The bank and the government have essentially blended into one entity” – Part II
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“The bank and the government have essentially blended into one entity” – Part II

Interview with Karim Taleb Part II of II Claudio Grass (CG): Part and parcel of that same institutional “strategy”, especially in its current form, is the idea that deficits and debt don’t matter. Basically, after 2020, it can be argued that we’re all Modern Monetary Theorists now, as nobody in…

“The bank and the government have essentially blended into one entity”
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“The bank and the government have essentially blended into one entity”

Interview with Karim Taleb Part I of II:  A lot has been said and written about the impact of the Covid crisis on the global economy and on the prospects of a strong recovery in 2021. Especially since the start of the year, there seems to be a consensus among…

Conversation with H.S.H. Prince Michael of Liechtenstein
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Conversation with H.S.H. Prince Michael of Liechtenstein

“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.”- Charles Mackay It is my great pleasure to send you this sit down interview with H.S.H. Prince Michael of Liechtenstein. He…

Gold Is Money – Everything Else Is Credit – J.P. Morgan – Part II
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Gold Is Money – Everything Else Is Credit – J.P. Morgan – Part II

Interview with Rafi Farber: Part II of II Rafi Farber, pen name Austrolib, is the publisher of The End Game Investor, a daily market commentary written from an Austrian economics perspective focusing on precious metals, the Comex, and monetary analysis. His work is followed by leaders in the precious metals industry including…

Unless the US stops printing money, the dollar will collapse
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Unless the US stops printing money, the dollar will collapse

Interview with Patrick Barron – Part II of II Claudio Grass (CG): This crisis has shaken a lot of industries and core functions of the global economy and international trade. How do you assess its impact on the most important part of the machine, the banking system? Do you see…

US election: Red flags for investors
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US election: Red flags for investors

Part I of II The implications of the upcoming US election are obviously very important not just for American citizens, investors and ordinary savers, but for the rest of the world too. Economic, fiscal and monetary developments and trends that take place in the US influence the global economy in…