The far-reaching implications of the amateur trading wave
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The far-reaching implications of the amateur trading wave

Part II of II by Claudio Grass, Hünenberg See, Switzerland Case in point: Silver “apes”  One of the most astounding elements of this shift in retail investing is the proof it offers for what many of us knew along: When people can freely and directly vote with their wallets and put…

The far-reaching implications of the amateur trading wave
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The far-reaching implications of the amateur trading wave

Part I of II by Claudio Grass, Hünenberg See, Switzerland 2020 certainly was a year of a lot of “firsts”, most them extremely destructive to the economy, to our societies and to our everyday lives. However, there were a few positive developments too, among them being the fact that it was…

Freedom Is Not Free You Have To Fight For It, The People Will Demand Decentralization
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Freedom Is Not Free You Have To Fight For It, The People Will Demand Decentralization

Claudio begins his discussion with him taking a trip from Switzerland to Spain. On his travels he realized that the borders are open for cars and people were not asked for proof of vaccination. The people will begin to come together when they cannot function in everyday life because of…

War on Cash: EU steps up the fight
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War on Cash: EU steps up the fight

by Claudio Grass, Hünenberg See, Switzerland The prolonged and repeated lockdowns, business closures and travel bans have caused widespread economic devastation and changed the way all of us live, work and interact with each other. These were the most obvious changes that the covid crisis brought with it, however, a…

Precious metals outlook: This summer presents a rare entry point
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Precious metals outlook: This summer presents a rare entry point

by Claudio Grass, Hünenberg, Switzerland It’s been an intense few weeks for precious metals investors, with gold and silver suffering setbacks and somewhat increased volatility. This has caused some observers and mainstream analysts to jump to gloomy conclusions and proclaim that gold’s bull run is over. Instead, they’re betting everything…

Monetary Climate Change and its implications for investors  – Part II
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Monetary Climate Change and its implications for investors – Part II

Interview with Ronald-Peter Stöferle: Part II of II Claudio Grass (CG): Even before the pandemic, there was a clear trend towards the politicization of central banks and monetary policy. Over the last year, however, we saw this accelerate considerably, to the point where the supposed independence of the Fed or the…

Monetary Climate Change and its implications for investors
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Monetary Climate Change and its implications for investors

Interview with Ronald-Peter Stöferle: Part I of II I’ve long been an avid and enthusiastic reader of the “In Gold We Trust” report (“IGWT”), as I believe countless other gold investors are, and I’ve always found great value in the insights, the analyses and all the astute commentary and elucidating charts it…

“Radical efforts seldom work if they are deprived of common sense” – Part II
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“Radical efforts seldom work if they are deprived of common sense” – Part II

Interview with Fernando del Pino Calvo-Sotelo: Part II of II Claudio Grass (CG): In your analyses and articles on the issues around the covid crisis, you have adopted a very rational and calm approach, focusing on evidence and scientific facts. Why do you think it is that so many people,…

“Radical efforts seldom work if they are deprived of common sense”
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“Radical efforts seldom work if they are deprived of common sense”

Interview with Fernando del Pino Calvo-Sotelo: Part I of II Even from the early days of the covid crisis, most sensible observers were concerned that the risk of mass panic and of fear overtaking reason was going to be much higher and much more severe than the biological threat itself….