Swiss direct democracy in action
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Swiss direct democracy in action

On the last Sunday of November the Swiss citizens once again rejected efforts staged by left-leaning groups and NGOs to chip away at the nation’s long tradition of free enterprise, respect for private property and financial freedom. Two important proposals were brought before the Swiss people in a set of…

Tyrants Are Waging War Against Their Own Citizens
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Tyrants Are Waging War Against Their Own Citizens

As [D] Mayor de Blasio shuts down schools and restaurants in NYC yet AGAIN, and as cops in Australia arrest women on beaches for traveling outside of 5 KM from their homes, it’s clear that tyrants around the world are openly waging war against their own people. Claudio Grass joins…

“We are expecting a new wave and we’re prepared for it.”
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“We are expecting a new wave and we’re prepared for it.”

Interview with Robert Hartmann, Co-Owner ProAurum Over the last couple of months, we’ve witnessed unprecedented changes in the global economy, in the markets and in our societies. The corona crisis and the governmental measures that were introduced had a dramatic and direct effect on all of us, as investors and…

A crisis is a terrible thing to waste – Part II
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A crisis is a terrible thing to waste – Part II

“Trust the state. Do what they say. They’ve never lied to us before, have they?” – Daniel McAdams, Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity Central bankers are washing their hands too Looking at the carnage that stock markets have suffered, it’s not surprising to see central banks jumping in…

A crisis is a terrible thing to waste – Part I
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A crisis is a terrible thing to waste – Part I

“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that, it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” -Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama’s Chief of Staff from 2009 to 2010. Only a couple of weeks ago, if anyone told you…

Media hysteria: Lessons from Brexit for citizens and for investors
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Media hysteria: Lessons from Brexit for citizens and for investors

The coronavirus epidemic has instilled real terror in the hearts of many investors, triggering a rude awaking to the actual state of the economy and panic unseen since 2008. This fear, that has spread among investors as it has among the general public, has been largely fueled by the coverage…