Predictions vs. Convictions
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Predictions vs. Convictions

Separating the signal from the noise Most regular readers and friends will undoubtedly already know what my position is in regards to projections and forecasts. For many years, I have consistently maintained that any and all attempts to “time the market” are as useless as they are unrealistic and I have…

Gold climbing from record high to record high: why buy now?
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Gold climbing from record high to record high: why buy now?

Part I of II There is no question that gold owners have been finally and spectacularly vindicated over the last months: the “barbarous relic”, the “worthless shiny rock”, as many have called the yellow metal, once again proved its value as a true safe haven. In the face of inflation, intense…

Economic freedom: Politics, of course, by its nature is always the pursuit of the Left
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Economic freedom: Politics, of course, by its nature is always the pursuit of the Left

Article II of II, by Claudio Grass Collectivism is extremely versatile and very easy for political animals to “sell” to the public and to weaponize. Politics, of course, by its nature is always the pursuit of the Left, if we are to follow strict definitions. It seeks to influence and…

Interview with Executive Global: “The Return of Marxism in the West”
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Interview with Executive Global: “The Return of Marxism in the West”

Our special interview on Swiss Wealth Advisor with CLAUDIO GRASS, CEO and Independent Precious Metals Consultant, explores the manner in which astute investors may preserve wealth against the backdrop of debilitating central economic planning and monetary inflation.  Executive Global sit down to discuss macroeconomic trends, precious metals, monetary policy and philosophy with…

Is gold too expensive to buy right now?
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Is gold too expensive to buy right now?

This question has been at the center of a great many conversations I’ve been recently having with clients and friends. The way I like to answer it is with another question: Expensive compared to what?  Despite its recent surge to record highs, there are compelling reasons why purchasing gold right…

Private property rights under siege 
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Private property rights under siege 

Part I of II by Claudio Grass, Switzerland People invest in gold for many different reasons. Many do so out of concern over economic, monetary or political uncertainty. Others seek a hedge against inflation, a way to protect and preserve the real purchasing power of their savings. There are also…

Rethinking “safe” investments
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Rethinking “safe” investments

Part II of II by Claudio Grass, Hünenberg See, Switzerland For those of us who have studied history, these Ingenuous beliefs and expectations likely bring a smirk to our face. However, these are entirely reasonable assumptions for most citizens, as the majority of the population is blissfully unaware of the…

Rethinking “safe” investments
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Rethinking “safe” investments

Part I of II by Claudio Grass, Hünenberg See, Switzerland To most observant citizens and diligent investors it is surely quite obvious that the current monetary, fiscal and banking system is inherently flawed, hopelessly unjust, corrupt, unsustainable and simply destined to collapse sooner or later. With every (predictable) recession and…