Precious metals are and always have been the ultimate insurance
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Precious metals are and always have been the ultimate insurance

Interview with Robert Hartmann As we enter the second quarter of 2021, the year during which so many mainstream analysts and politicians have predicted we’ll see a miraculous recovery from the covid crisis, it is becoming increasingly clear that the damage inflicted by the lockdowns and the shutdowns is really…

“There is no such thing as a free lunch, but the temptation to distribute one or to get one seems to be too strong”
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“There is no such thing as a free lunch, but the temptation to distribute one or to get one seems to be too strong”

Interview with Daniel Model: Part I of II During these absurd and uncertain times, it is easy to be consumed by the 24-hour news cycle, to be constantly distracted by the latest news and updates, and eventually to lose track of what really matters. We are indeed facing unprecedented challenges and…

“Gold is Money, Everything Else Is Credit” – J.P. Morgan
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“Gold is Money, Everything Else Is Credit” – J.P. Morgan

Interview with Rafi Farber – Part I of II By now it is probably obvious, even to the most naive of mainstream narrative followers, that we are well past the point of no return on many fronts. Politics, on a national and global level, are never getting back to “normal”,…

“The U.S. economy felt like a balloon in search of a needle” – Part II
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“The U.S. economy felt like a balloon in search of a needle” – Part II

Interview with Robert Mark: Claudio Grass (CG): In this surreal policy environment, how has the role and the investment process of the value investor evolved, especially over the last decade?  How can one still identify value in a world of subsidized binge borrowing, extreme indebtedness, and stock buybacks?  Robert Mark (RM): The…

“The U.S. economy felt like a balloon in search of a needle” – Part I
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“The U.S. economy felt like a balloon in search of a needle” – Part I

Interview with Robert Mark As we move deeper and deeper into this covid crisis, more and more people understand that there’s a lot more to fear besides the disease itself. As the economic impact and the full scale of the damage caused by the lockdowns and the shutdowns become undeniable,…

You cannot print your way to prosperity – Part II
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You cannot print your way to prosperity – Part II

Interview with Theodore Deden Claudio Grass (CG): Looking at the damage inflicted upon supply chains, production facilities and global trade in particular, how quickly could these operations snap back even if all COVID-related restrictions were lifted tomorrow? Do you think we’ll eventually get back to business as usual, or have…

You cannot print your way to prosperity – Part I
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You cannot print your way to prosperity – Part I

Interview with Theodore Deden There might be a lot of conflicting opinions and disagreement these days about the right way to get out of this current crisis and to rebuild our economy and our society. One the very few things we can all agree on, however, is that the challenges…