Claudio Grass and Jeff Deist on Whether Switzerland can Save the World – Mises Institute
Switzerland is no libertarian paradise. It has bureaucrats and a wayward central bank. But it remains an astonishing modern example of the principles of federalism and subsidiarity in action. In fact, it exemplifies Lew Rockwell’s daydream: nobody much knows or cares who is president. Its federal administrative state demonstrates humility…

Physical Gold is the Only Way to Play
Precious Metals Expert Claudio Grass Joins Bubba This is The Bubba Show in which the following topics are discussed: The FED and the mess they have made of the economy. Both agree that the monetary policy is a joke and that their devaluation of the dollar is really just a…

Investment Conference 2017 with investment conference – Precious Metals as your Monetary Insurance
2hWealthcare Investment Conference 2017 with Naomi Prins Precious Metals as your Monetary Insurance, Buckinghamshire, March 2017 Short introduction about how money came into existence, the origin of the banking system and boom bust cycles. Overview about Gold in general and China in particular. The big geopolitical shift we are going through…
Claudio Grass: “People Need To Understand That Their Biggest Asset Is Individual Liberty”
In his latest interview for the X22 Report, Claudio Grass shares his views on the future of the Euro, the Trump Presidency, the collapsing monetary system and the advantage of gold in these times of global uncertainty. As election season is upon us in Europe and the both political and…

X22 Report: No Doubt The Fiat System Is Coming To An End Because It Is Based On Perception