Is Trump Bad News For Gold After All?
Produced and published by Global Gold. “Unexpected” is an understatement when describing the outcome of the US presidential elections. Trump’s win defied all odds, rattled markets and shook social media. Clinton had maintained a steady lead for months in almost every national poll and early voters’ count. The media was…

Gold Investing In 2016 Justified By Global Paradigm Shifts In Politics And Markets
Produced and published by Global Gold. In the past few months, we witnessed a series of defining moments in our political history, with Britain’s vote to Brexit, (several) terror attacks in France and Germany, up to the recent attempted military coup in Europe’s backyard, Turkey. Ultimately, observers are uncertain about…

Gold Still In A Bull Market. Why Fundamentals Outweigh Short-Term Market Gains.
Produced and published by Global Gold. 2016 is gold’s big bull run. The precious metal rose close to 20% this year, pushed by a summer rally that peaked on July 10th. But then, gold experienced a bumpy ride during the remainder of the summer, as investors were concerned about the…

Love Him Or Hate Him: Trump Is The Revolution Against The Establishment
Produced and published by Global Gold. The 2016 U.S. presidential elections are unprecedented: I don’t believe we have ever witnessed before a campaign year so toxic, so dangerously divisive and ad hominem. Both camps have vilified the opposition and their followers, creating a schism in society. There has been no…
Is It Safe To Travel To Europe?
Produced and published by Global Gold. In recent months, more and more of our clients and friends from overseas are asking us whether it is safe to travel to Europe. These fears are understandable, given the media coverage of the tragic events that occurred this year. The press painted a…

The Undemocratic Nature of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
Produced and published by Global Gold. Mounting Resistance Thousands of people recently demonstrated in Brussels against free trade deals negotiated by the EU. This happened just days before a meeting of EU trade ministers in Bratislava last Friday, which was considered the last push to salvage the Transatlantic Trade and…

Claudio Grass: We See Already So Many Cracks In The System
Last week, Claudio Grass, Managing Director at Global Gold Switzerland, was interviewed by Bubba over at Libertytalk.fm. The topics in this fascinating interview range from central banking monetary policies, the refugees crisis, libertarian issues, and political trends. In this article, we highlight 8 questions/answers, and we recommend readers to download the…

Crimea: Digging For The Truth
Produced and published by Global Gold. This summer witnessed a renewed escalation between Russia and Ukraine after Russian President Vladimir Putin accused Ukraine of sending saboteurs to attack Russian troops, targeting “critical infrastructure”. Kiev denied the allegations and claimed Russia’s “fantasy” was nothing but a false pretense to launch a…