Gold Still In A Bull Market. Why Fundamentals Outweigh Short-Term Market Gains.
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Gold Still In A Bull Market. Why Fundamentals Outweigh Short-Term Market Gains.

Produced and published by Global Gold. 2016 is gold’s big bull run. The precious metal rose close to 20% this year, pushed by a summer rally that peaked on July 10th. But then, gold experienced a bumpy ride during the remainder of the summer, as investors were concerned about the…

Claudio Grass: We See Already So Many Cracks In The System

Claudio Grass: We See Already So Many Cracks In The System

Last week, Claudio Grass, Managing Director at Global Gold Switzerland, was interviewed by Bubba over at The topics in this fascinating interview range from central banking monetary policies, the refugees crisis, libertarian issues, and political trends. In this article, we highlight 8 questions/answers, and we recommend readers to download the…

Risks Of Loose Money – Exposing The Link Between Monetary Policy And Social Inequality

Risks Of Loose Money – Exposing The Link Between Monetary Policy And Social Inequality

Produced and published by Global Gold. It has been almost eight years since former U.S. President George W. Bush warned the world that “ without immediate action by Congress, America could slip into a financial panic and a distressing scenario would unfold.” The government’s response to the crisis was a…

Fractional Reserve Banking is a Fraud – Claudio Grass Interviewed

Bloomberg has numerous offices around the world, many of which appear to have quite an independent streak, at least that is our impression. Readers who occasionally watch clips from Bloomberg’s Asia Edition are probably aware of this. One can often see in-depth interviews there with people who espouse views far…

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Bloomberg TV Bulgaria: Franctional Reserve Banking Is A Fraud

The Swiss “Vollgeld” Initiative Revisited Bloomberg has numerous offices around the world, many of which appear to have quite an independent streak, at least that is our impression. Readers who occasionally watch clips from Bloomberg’s Asia Edition are probably aware of this. One can often see in-depth interviews there with…