A bank is a bank is a bank – Part II
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A bank is a bank is a bank – Part II

Part II of II by Claudio Grass A real systemic crisis If there was one thing more telling than the bank failures themselves, it was the governments’ reaction to them. The sheer panic that shook US, Swiss and Eurozone officials was almost pitiable to behold. The way they all rushed to…

Modern Monetary Theory: Reality check
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Modern Monetary Theory: Reality check

I’ve written extensively over the past years about the rise of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) and all the terrible dangers it entailed from its very birth, not just for our economies, but for our societies too. Although it captured media interest and monopolized a lot of “expert” debates at the time,…

Switzerland: Still a bright beacon of freedom
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Switzerland: Still a bright beacon of freedom

Switzerland’s long-standing and well-deserved reputation as one of the last bastions of individual and financial liberty has been recently vindicated and reaffirmed. It was a much-needed boost of confidence for Swiss citizens like myself who had come to worry over the last years whether the governmental trespasses of our neighboring…

Davos Man Will Fail, World Will Move Toward Decentralization
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Davos Man Will Fail, World Will Move Toward Decentralization

I truly enjoyed the conversation with Hrvoje Morić. I hope you will enjoy it 2. Happy Weekend! In liberty, Claudio Claudio Grass, Hünenberg See, Switzerland This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Therefore please feel free to share and you can subscribe for my articles by…

“Fundamentals and technical analysis are two sides of the same coin”
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“Fundamentals and technical analysis are two sides of the same coin”

Interview with Laurent Halmos For most die-hard physical gold investors and students of history like myself and most of my readers and clients, technical analysis is often seen as a bit of a taboo, or at best something irrelevant to our worldview and investment approach. Nevertheless, to paraphrase the old…

2022 is the end of big tech and the beginning of the 11 years commodity cycle from 2023 – 2033
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2022 is the end of big tech and the beginning of the 11 years commodity cycle from 2023 – 2033

Don’t miss my latest talk with my “political incorrect” friend Jeremy on TNT Radio – about the World Economic Muppet-Show called WEF and much more Click on the below link, to listen to the show. https://tntradiolive.podbean.com/e/claudio-grass-on-jerm-warfare-with-jeremy-nell-24-january-2023/ This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Therefore please feel…