Investment Conference 2017 with investment conference – Precious Metals as your Monetary Insurance
2hWealthcare Investment Conference 2017 with Naomi Prins Precious Metals as your Monetary Insurance, Buckinghamshire, March 2017 Short introduction about how money came into existence, the origin of the banking system and boom bust cycles. Overview about Gold in general and China in particular. The big geopolitical shift we are going through…

X22 Report: No Doubt The Fiat System Is Coming To An End Because It Is Based On Perception

Bloomberg TV Bulgaria: Franctional Reserve Banking Is A Fraud
The Swiss “Vollgeld” Initiative Revisited Bloomberg has numerous offices around the world, many of which appear to have quite an independent streak, at least that is our impression. Readers who occasionally watch clips from Bloomberg’s Asia Edition are probably aware of this. One can often see in-depth interviews there with…