Money: How its past predicts its future – The denationalization of money!
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Money: How its past predicts its future – The denationalization of money!

What is money, where does it come from and more importantly where does it go? At first glance, it might appear inexplicable and bizarre that our governments and our rulers have managed to keep their stronghold over the monetary system for 2000 years, especially when one thinks about the countless…

Venezuela: when fiat money reaches its intrinsic value
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Venezuela: when fiat money reaches its intrinsic value

Over the last years, Venezuela has become a modern poster child for the failure of socialism and with good reason. It offers an abundance of lessons and stern warnings for many western nations, but it also provides a very insightful and relevant reminder for individual investors too. Economic, social and…

Lew Rockwell wins the prestigious Roland Baader Prize in Hamburg
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Lew Rockwell wins the prestigious Roland Baader Prize in Hamburg

A little while ago, I had the pleasure to step in as an Ambassador for the Mises Institute and receive the Roland Baader Prize on behalf of Lew Rockwell, as he unfortunately wasn’t able to travel to Germany due to health issues. He received this prestigious prize for his life-time…


Der Kampf zwischen Geist und Materie

Wie wir den Marxismus im Zeitalter der Massenkommunikation überwinden Bildquelle: shutterstock.comLängst widerlegt, aber immer noch verehrt: Karl Marx Der Königsberger Philosoph Immanuel Kant beschrieb eine geistige Seite, die für die menschliche Vernunft steht, da in seinen Augen die Wirklichkeit in radikaler Weise durch Erkenntnis und Denken bestimmt ist. Das ist…

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Cultural Marxism and the Birth of Modern Thought-Crime

Cultural Marxism seems to go mainstream. Let’s open up the debate and exchange some thoughts involving different perspectives. Here is mine. Produced and published by Global Gold. What the Establishment Wants, the Establishment Gets If a person has no philosophical thoughts, certain questions will never cross his mind. As a…

Chris Marcus: Warum würde China eine Unterdrückung des Goldpreises erlauben?
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Chris Marcus: Warum würde China eine Unterdrückung des Goldpreises erlauben?

Wenn die Edelmetallmärkte manipulativ niedrig gedrückt werden – wie so viele vermuten (und wie Gerichtsprotokolle und andere Quelle mit Beweisen dokumentieren) – dann wäre eine der Fragen, die sich viele Leute stellen: Warum sollte China dies zulassen? Viele betrachten die Entwicklungen um den Yuan (wie die Erschaffung des Petroyuan, seine…