Claudio Grass and Jeff Deist on Whether Switzerland can Save the World – Mises Institute
Switzerland is no libertarian paradise. It has bureaucrats and a wayward central bank. But it remains an astonishing modern example of the principles of federalism and subsidiarity in action. In fact, it exemplifies Lew Rockwell’s daydream: nobody much knows or cares who is president. Its federal administrative state demonstrates humility…
Claudio Grass: “People Need To Understand That Their Biggest Asset Is Individual Liberty”
In his latest interview for the X22 Report, Claudio Grass shares his views on the future of the Euro, the Trump Presidency, the collapsing monetary system and the advantage of gold in these times of global uncertainty. As election season is upon us in Europe and the both political and…

Gold Investing In 2016 Justified By Global Paradigm Shifts In Politics And Markets
Produced and published by Global Gold. In the past few months, we witnessed a series of defining moments in our political history, with Britain’s vote to Brexit, (several) terror attacks in France and Germany, up to the recent attempted military coup in Europe’s backyard, Turkey. Ultimately, observers are uncertain about…
Is It Safe To Travel To Europe?
Produced and published by Global Gold. In recent months, more and more of our clients and friends from overseas are asking us whether it is safe to travel to Europe. These fears are understandable, given the media coverage of the tragic events that occurred this year. The press painted a…
Claudio Grass Talks to Godfrey Bloom
Produced and published by Global Gold. Before becoming a politician, Godfrey Bloom worked for 35 years in finance and investment management. Discontent with over-regulation of this sector, he entered the world of politics in 2004, as a Member of the European Parliament. Bloom started as a representative for the UK…

Liberland: Claudio Grass Interviews Vít Jedlička
Produced and published by Global Gold. Vít Jedlička is a Czech politician, publicist and activist. He received his Bachelor’s degree from the University of Economics, Prague in 2009 and his Master’s degree from CEVRO Institut in 2014. Since 2009, he has been a member of the Free Citizens Party, where…
Was Charlie Hebdo a “Convenient” Incident for Policymakers?
Produced and published by Global Gold. Many Questions On the 7th of January two gunmen attacked the office of Charlie Hebdo, a French weekly magazine. The shooters were two brothers who belonged to the Yemeni branch of the Islamist terrorist organization Al-Qaeda. The attack resulted in 11 casualties and many…