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Claudio Grass – Sound Money & Human Liberty Are Inextricably Linked

SBTV speaks with Claudio Grass, an independent precious metals adviser based in Switzerland. A proponent of sound money and the Austrian School of Economics, Claudio shares his convictions on why human liberty and sound money are inextricably linked. Discussed in this interview: 02:39 Relationship between liberty and sound money 06:51…

Sound Money & Human Liberty Are Inextricably Linked

Sound Money & Human Liberty Are Inextricably Linked

SilverBullion TV speaks with Claudio Grass, an independent precious metals adviser based in Switzerland. A proponent of sound money and the Austrian School of Economics, Claudio shares his convictions on why human liberty and sound money are inextricably linked. Discussed in this interview: 02:39 Relationship between liberty and sound money…

Money: How its past predicts its future – The denationalization of money!
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Money: How its past predicts its future – The denationalization of money!

What is money, where does it come from and more importantly where does it go? At first glance, it might appear inexplicable and bizarre that our governments and our rulers have managed to keep their stronghold over the monetary system for 2000 years, especially when one thinks about the countless…

Venezuela: when fiat money reaches its intrinsic value
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Venezuela: when fiat money reaches its intrinsic value

Over the last years, Venezuela has become a modern poster child for the failure of socialism and with good reason. It offers an abundance of lessons and stern warnings for many western nations, but it also provides a very insightful and relevant reminder for individual investors too. Economic, social and…

ZUR SACHE: China – Greift der Drache nach der Pole-Position?
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ZUR SACHE: China – Greift der Drache nach der Pole-Position?

Vor einigen Tagen wurde ich von KenFM zu einem Gespräch nach Berlin eingeladen. Viel Spass beim Anschauen – Rückmeldungen sind stets willkommen. Einführung von KenFM: Heute präsentieren wir die Premiere unseres neuen Formats “ZUR SACHE”. Bei diesem Format geht es im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes ans Eingemachte. Gäste mit unterschiedlichsten…

Connecting the Dots Behind the Curtain? by Martin Armstrong
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Connecting the Dots Behind the Curtain? by Martin Armstrong

“The weaker the State is, the less power it has to commit crime”. Albert Jay Nock There is an interesting piece running around the internet that someone has put together. Indeed, the characters in the play are all incredibly connected and it certainly appears that there is a deep and…

US-Dollar ist die größte Blase – China hält dagegen!
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US-Dollar ist die größte Blase – China hält dagegen!

China baut auf dem internationalen Finanzmarkt Alternativen zum US-Dollar und den USA auf. Ein Beispiel dafür ist die Einführung der ersten Rohöl-Terminkontrakte in Yuan an der Shanghaier Börse. Auch westliche Länder realisieren, dass die größte Finanzblase der US-Dollar selbst ist. von Ali Özkök Claudio Grass ist Wirtschaftskommentator, Edelmetallberater in der…