Swissgrams: the natural progression of the Krugerrand in the digital age(1/16/2025)-Having worked in the precious metals industry for decades, I have had countless opportunities to have very honest and very enlightening conversations with numerous investors and partners alike. For many years, I’ve been discussing the challenges, the hurdles and the problems they’ve encountered. The details of each story I’ve heard...
Year in review: A tectonic shift has only just begun(12/31/2024)-As we’re approaching the final hours of 2024, it is a good time to take a step back and remember what this year taught us. History might not repeat itself, but it does rhyme, as the saying goes, and the past is always the best teacher to prepare us for...
“THE BIG BULL MARKET IN GOLD AND SILVER HAS ONLY JUST BEGUN”(12/11/2024)-DR. THORSTEN POLLEIT (WWW.BOOMBUSTREPORT.COM) INTERVIEWS CLAUDIO GRASS Thorsten Polleit (TP): On November 5, 2024, Donald J. Trump was elected the new U.S. president with a landslide victory. His declared goal is to take on the “Deep State” and its bureaucracy. His advisor, Elon Musk, is urging the reduction of national...
The Heartland theory: More relevant than ever?(11/30/2024)-Sir Halford Mackinder’s famous Heartland Theory was first formulated in the early 20th century, but it holds renewed relevance and importance today, especially when analyzed though a critical lens of the current geopolitical system, one that emphasizes individual freedom, limited government intervention, and skepticism of centralized power. Mackinder’s theory posits...
Gold climbing from record high to record high: why buy now?(10/30/2024)-Part II of II Business as usual” will simply not cut it anymore. The “print and spend” policies of the past, the QE lifelines, the liquidity injections, the zero and negative interest rates, the blatant debasement of the currency, the market manipulation and all the direct and indirect bailouts will not...
Gold climbing from record high to record high: why buy now?(10/28/2024)-Part I of II There is no question that gold owners have been finally and spectacularly vindicated over the last months: the “barbarous relic”, the “worthless shiny rock”, as many have called the yellow metal, once again proved its value as a true safe haven. In the face of inflation, intense...
The permacrisis strategy: the mortal dangers of our “new normal”(10/17/2024)-Over the last years, we have encountered an abundance of alarmist and hysterical “warnings” and admonitions, foretelling the impending doom of the world as we know it. Market corrections have served as an excuse for scaremongers to cultivate panic over a total systemic collapse. Surprising political shifts, like unexpected electoral results,...
The illusion of choice: Democracy as the greatest show on earth(9/16/2024)-As individual citizens, as voters and taxpayers we have been so deeply, so consistently, so relentlessly indoctrinated, so blindly radicalized, and so thoroughly and easily subjugated and ideologically manipulated that, by now, it has become terribly challenging for any of us to even entertain any viewpoint or any opinion that...
Vortrag: Es gibt nichts Neues unter der Sonne(8/31/2024)-Vortrag mit Apéro am 10. Oktober um 1930 Uhr im MythenForum, Schwyz Die Verwirrung ist gross, was bringt die Zukunft? Der Versuch einer Einordnung aus Sicht eines freien und eigenständig denkenden Schweizers. In Zeiten von „politischer Korrektheit“ ist es wichtig „politisch inkorrekte“ Fragen zu stellen und damit dem „staatlich gelenktem...
A new era for silver?(8/29/2024)-It’s been a fantastic year for physical precious metals owners and by many accounts, the best is yet to come. All the issues we’ve been warning against for years, including inflation, currency debasement and government suppression of individual financial liberty have started boiling over in a way that is so obvious, that...
The road to Serfdom: are we on the final stretch?(8/3/2024)-An attempt at an analysis from the perspective of a free Swiss individual What you’re about to read is the abridged and condensed English translation of a speech I gave in Munich in November 2023. You can find the full speech, in German with English subtitles, here. It tackles the very...
Economic freedom: Politics, of course, by its nature is always the pursuit of the Left(7/9/2024)-Article II of II, by Claudio Grass Collectivism is extremely versatile and very easy for political animals to “sell” to the public and to weaponize. Politics, of course, by its nature is always the pursuit of the Left, if we are to follow strict definitions. It seeks to influence and...
Economic Freedom: The Cornerstone of Western Civilization(7/5/2024)-Part I of II, by Claudio Grass Western civilization – with all its scientific and technological progress, artistic prowess, philosophical and sociopolitical evolution, moral values, ethical principles and rich culture – took millennia to reach its famed “Enlightenment” point. It has been a rollercoaster, violently swinging from highs to lows and from darkness to light, from autocracy, tyranny and despotism to humanism...
Social justice and other evils(6/26/2024)-The post-covid years have brought about an unquestionable acceleration and intensification in the attacks against the Western value system, against basic Enlightenment ideas and principles and against the pillars of the very civilization that gave us all the liberties, the rule of law and the justice system that we enjoy...
Interview with Executive Global: “The Return of Marxism in the West”(6/5/2024)-Our special interview on Swiss Wealth Advisor with CLAUDIO GRASS, CEO and Independent Precious Metals Consultant, explores the manner in which astute investors may preserve wealth against the backdrop of debilitating central economic planning and monetary inflation. Executive Global sit down to discuss macroeconomic trends, precious metals, monetary policy and philosophy with...
Saving in gold is the only reliable way to save (4/25/2024)-For the longest time, according to conventional and widely embraced wisdom, all responsible and prudent members of society had to have a savings account. All those hardworking taxpayers and all those forward-thinking and sensible individuals that understand the importance of planning ahead, of being prepared for whatever the future holds...
Is gold too expensive to buy right now?(4/9/2024)-This question has been at the center of a great many conversations I’ve been recently having with clients and friends. The way I like to answer it is with another question: Expensive compared to what? Despite its recent surge to record highs, there are compelling reasons why purchasing gold right...
Sound Individualism vs Toxic Collectivism(3/5/2024)-Part II of II by Claudio Grass, Switzerland When it comes to the State, however, and all its ministries, branches and institutions, a very different set of rules seems to apply – a much more lenient, flexible and liberal one. For example, the core pledge of security, protection and stability...
Private property rights under siege (3/1/2024)-Part I of II by Claudio Grass, Switzerland People invest in gold for many different reasons. Many do so out of concern over economic, monetary or political uncertainty. Others seek a hedge against inflation, a way to protect and preserve the real purchasing power of their savings. There are also...
A perfect storm in the making (2/15/2024)-The New Year is usually associated with a new beginning, a fresh start, or a “clean slate”. Unfortunately, for millions of Americans, these are wishes that are bound to remain unfulfilled – for them, the New Year has nothing “new” to offer at all: it will only perpetuate all the same...
Europe’s Agrarian Uprisings: Brussels is reaping what it sowed (2/1/2024)-Across the European landscape, a disquiet rumbles beneath the surface of rolling hills and fertile plains. It emanates from the very backbone of the continent – its farmers. From the tractor rallies of France and Germany to the demonstrations in Poland and the Netherlands, a wave of agrarian protests has...
Corrupt Money = Corrupt Society(1/19/2024)-Discussion with Sean from SGT Report about the corruption of our money which has led to the corruption of society. to watch the video click on this link:
2024 outlook: Gold Shines Bright in the Gathering Storm(12/31/2023)-The year 2024 is poised to be a critical period for the global economy and it already appears to be fraught with economic and geopolitical challenges, casting a dark shadow over the global landscape. Signs of a looming economic downturn are becoming increasingly evident and the many challenges we faced...
2023: A year in review(12/30/2023)-After the catastrophic covid crisis of 2020 and 2021, the extremely impactful and consequential Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, many hoped that 2023 would break this terrible bad spell and finally present us all with some hope, economically, geopolitically, socially, technologically. Unfortunately, it only offered further reasons for serious...
The awakening of the working class (12/7/2023)-Part II of II, by Claudio Grass, Switzerland One of the maxims I tend to mention quite often in sociopolitical debates or in response to arguments about the flawlessness of the democratic process is “the smallest minority is the individual”. To some, it might sound trite or banal, and perhaps it...
The awakening of the working class (12/5/2023)-Part I of II, by Claudio Grass, Switzerland It is a worn-out cliché that many (if not most) political zealots meet their downfall because of their arrogance. “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall,” the proverb goes, and it does prove true more often than not. The...
War is the health of the State(11/24/2023)-Part II of II by Claudio Grass, Hünenberg See, Switzerland This is precisely what the State is doing. The idea of war, mayhem and destruction being economic boosters is exactly what has supported the thin facade that politicians like to place over their greed and their personal gain that they...
War is the health of the State(11/22/2023)-Part I of II by Claudio Grass For any reasonably well read adult, any amateur student of history or any responsible citizen for that matter, the idea that ”war is the health of the State” should be adjacent to a truism. After all, literally nobody benefits from violence and bloodshed...
“Sound money must be anchored to and backed by real, tangible assets”(11/16/2023)-Dani Stüssi interview with Claudio Grass Over the last few years, the financial woes and daily pressures that have been unleashed upon the average citizen, saver and taxpayer have put the spotlight on money itself. Countless ordinary people who have otherwise never seriously pondered these questions, began to question basic...
Rethinking “safe” investments(11/5/2023)-Part II of II by Claudio Grass, Hünenberg See, Switzerland For those of us who have studied history, these Ingenuous beliefs and expectations likely bring a smirk to our face. However, these are entirely reasonable assumptions for most citizens, as the majority of the population is blissfully unaware of the...
Rethinking “safe” investments(11/2/2023)-Part I of II by Claudio Grass, Hünenberg See, Switzerland To most observant citizens and diligent investors it is surely quite obvious that the current monetary, fiscal and banking system is inherently flawed, hopelessly unjust, corrupt, unsustainable and simply destined to collapse sooner or later. With every (predictable) recession and...
Gold for the people(10/11/2023)-At the end of September, a very interesting story made the rounds in the media and caught my attention. Apparently, the US big box giant Costco added one rather surprising product to its range and it proved immensely popular. Next to humongous multipacks of cereal, buckets of peanut butter, mattresses and air...
The slow, stealthy but steady spread of absolutism (10/1/2023)-Part II of II by Claudio Grass, Switzerland Over the last couple of years, we saw countless examples of free speech suppression and of the steep price paid by those who chose to exercise that right. Divergent ideas and thoughts contradicting the government narrative were silenced and often punished in...
The slow, stealthy but steady spread of absolutism (9/29/2023)-Part I of II by Claudio Grass, Switzerland The struggle and rivalry between the “West and the rest” might be grabbing news headlines due to the Ukraine war these days, but in truth, it is anything but newsworthy. This antagonism, this battle for geopolitical, physical dominance, for moral supremacy, and this...
The Swiss franc’s “phenomenal” bull run(9/7/2023)-The strength of the Swiss franc (CHF) has been the topic of countless “expert” analyses for over a year and it has received considerable coverage in the mainstream financial press. In fact, the last time the currency garnered this much interest was probably in 2011, when its celebrated “safe haven” status backfired,...
The Big Shift: The decline of Western politics(9/1/2023)-Part II of II The big shift Of course, this is the Left, but also the Right, of the good old days. The days of gentlemanly conduct and of real sportsmanship during a debate. These were the days when cultivated, curious and humble people argued passionately, but honourably. These were the days of...
The Big Shift: The decline of Western politics(8/30/2023)-Part I of II Those of us who have read and studied political history, who have closely observed its evolution and especially those who have taken note of all the tactics and ploys used over the last couple of decades, will surely not be surprised by any of the findings...
Freedom of speech and “de-banking”(8/2/2023)-Threats to freedom of speech and efforts to suppress dissenting views and voices have been on the rise over the past decades. They were exponentially intensified since the ascent of social media and as the political polarisation in the West truly took hold of our societies, the powers that be have been...
The real failure of “trickle down economics”(7/27/2023)-Part II of II If this kind of theoretical reasoning seems too abstract, let us think about it more practically: Any public servant, any member of government, and even the leader of a nation, has very different motivations than any private sector decision-maker. Their financial compensation is a given and...
The real failure of “trickle down economics”(7/24/2023)-Part I of II For decades already, one of the most popular and commonly employed attacks of Keynesians and other left-leaning economists was the one against the idea of “trickle down economics”. They ridiculed the notion that a rising tide lifts all boats or plainly put, the obvious fact that when...
The demise of the dollar: What comes after that?(7/6/2023)-Part II of II A good start Whatever one might think about which currency is better suited to be used in trade or as a benchmark or as a central bank reserve, the fact remains that the USD’s days as the “only right answer” to that question are numbered. It might...
The demise of the dollar: What comes after that?(7/3/2023)-Part I of II Endless ink has been spilled by economists and financial analysts in their efforts to predict the impact of de-dollarization. As might be expected, most of those who embrace a US-centric view of the world and who defend the status quo paint a gloomy picture. They warn...
A conversation with Prince Michael of Liechtenstein(6/26/2023)-On November 15th, 2021, almost 20 months ago, I once again had the rare and delightful opportunity to have a conversation with Prince Michael. His insights, and especially his directness and unequivocal honesty, have frequently provided me with a lot of food for thought in the past. This interview was...
Debt cancellation: the new panacea?(6/9/2023)-There is clearly a common denominator in the kind of “solutions” that the State comes up with to deal with the problems that it caused (and that’s most problems). Not only are these remedies worse than the disease, but they are always extremely simplistic, reductionist and they never, ever, take into...
“Inflation it is not an act of God”(6/5/2023)-INTERVIEW WITH GODFREY BLOOM: Over the last couple of years, the UK has been increasingly in the news – for all the wrong reasons. The cost of living crisis, in particular, has been monopolizing headlines at home and abroad. Of course, inflation is by no means unique to the country....
“Bank walk”: The first domino to fall?(5/11/2023)-In early May, Reuters published a report that truly captured my attention. “European savers are pulling more of their money from banks, looking for a better deal as lenders resist paying up to hold on to deposits some feel they can currently live without,” the article reported. Over in the US, we...
France on strike(5/2/2023)-The roots of the injustice that brought over a million to the streets It is the core of a long running joke that the French love to strike more than they like to work – and for good reason. Demonstrations, strikes and even riots, have been a common occurrence for...
A bank is a bank is a bank – Part II(4/20/2023)-Part II of II by Claudio Grass A real systemic crisis If there was one thing more telling than the bank failures themselves, it was the governments’ reaction to them. The sheer panic that shook US, Swiss and Eurozone officials was almost pitiable to behold. The way they all rushed to...
A bank is a bank is a bank(4/18/2023)-Part I of II by Claudio Grass It might sound like an old-fashioned notion, the sort of thing that one reads about in period novels and romantically sighs “oh, the good old days”. It might sound like old timely advice, perhaps of the kind that our grandparents would have given to...
Credit Suisse and the War Against Swiss Culture(4/10/2023)-I hope you will enjoy my latest interview with Maneco64. Claudio Grass, Hünenberg See, Switzerland This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Therefore please feel free to share and you can subscribe for my articles by clicking here
Banking crisis: The new bailout strategy(3/30/2023)-Part II of II To be fair, it is true, this time is different. Indeed, this time the rescue plan for the bust banks is not comparable to what we saw in 2008. In the US, the guarantee for deposits up to $250.000 comes from funds that are maintained by participating banks...
Banking crisis: The new bailout strategy(3/27/2023)-Part I of II The recent turmoil that has roiled the global banking sector has placed central bankers in an impossible position: Cut rates and avert a domino-style disaster in the industry and a possible deep and prolonged recession in the wider economy or stay the hiking course to combat...
Modern Monetary Theory: Reality check(3/10/2023)-I’ve written extensively over the past years about the rise of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) and all the terrible dangers it entailed from its very birth, not just for our economies, but for our societies too. Although it captured media interest and monopolized a lot of “expert” debates at the time,...
The “great Ponzi scheme” coming to an end?(3/4/2023)-In a recent conference, the EU’s Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Elisa Ferreira, gave a dire warning: “We have a shrinking workforce all across Europe, all countries are losing their workforce.” Indeed, in just 10 years, the EU lost 5 million people in the working-age population, as the most recent report...
Switzerland: Still a bright beacon of freedom(2/27/2023)-Switzerland’s long-standing and well-deserved reputation as one of the last bastions of individual and financial liberty has been recently vindicated and reaffirmed. It was a much-needed boost of confidence for Swiss citizens like myself who had come to worry over the last years whether the governmental trespasses of our neighboring...
Central planning hubris and the medication crisis in Europe(2/23/2023)-I’ve written countless articles on the topic of central planning and its failures, practical, economic, political and moral. In some cases, the arrogance of the central planners results in real devastation, often in actual loss of life and property, and the price for their mistakes is paid by not just...
Davos Man Will Fail, World Will Move Toward Decentralization(2/10/2023)-I truly enjoyed the conversation with Hrvoje Morić. I hope you will enjoy it 2. Happy Weekend! In liberty, Claudio Claudio Grass, Hünenberg See, Switzerland This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Therefore please feel free to share and you can subscribe for my articles by...
“Fundamentals and technical analysis are two sides of the same coin”(2/7/2023)-Interview with Laurent Halmos For most die-hard physical gold investors and students of history like myself and most of my readers and clients, technical analysis is often seen as a bit of a taboo, or at best something irrelevant to our worldview and investment approach. Nevertheless, to paraphrase the old...
2022 is the end of big tech and the beginning of the 11 years commodity cycle from 2023 – 2033(1/29/2023)-Don’t miss my latest talk with my “political incorrect” friend Jeremy on TNT Radio – about the World Economic Muppet-Show called WEF and much more Click on the below link, to listen to the show. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Therefore please feel...
The death of the middle class is the death of civil society(1/27/2023)-Part II of II by Claudio Grass, Hünenberg See, Switzerland The blame game As we know from every crisis in human history, and especially the more recent ones, the most important item on any politician’s agenda is to find someone else to blame for it. It can be a foreign...
The death of the middle class is the death of civil society(1/25/2023)-Part I of II by Claudio Grass, Hünenberg See, Switzerland The middle class in the West has been shrinking for years, but after the covid crisis and especially after the inflation explosion, whatever was left of it is now basically under threat of extinction. This has immense sociopolitical implications. When...
“Markets and civil society are win-win institutions, government and politics are zero-sum.”(1/2/2023)-Interview with Jeff Deist, President Mises Institute, Auburn, USA Division, friction and polarization have been on the rise in the West for at least a decade, but the escalation we saw during the “covid years” was especially worrying. Over the last year, this “worry” has become a truly pressing concern,...
A grateful goodbye to 2022, a hopeful hello to 2023(12/30/2022)-Even though what we saw during the height of the pandemic was shocking enough for most people, what we saw during 2022 was arguably even more astonishing. During the lockdowns and quarantines and the forced business shutdowns, the sheer number of all the rights and freedoms that were coercively “suspended”, as...
Wishing all of you a political incorrect Merry Christmas(12/28/2022)-I had the pleasure to have a conversation with Jerm about left and right, the logic of political correctness, Western Civilization and Christmas.I hope you like it. click on the link below to listen to it This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Therefore please...
Gold is money – everything else is credit!(12/14/2022)-What physical precious metals investors can expect 2023 and beyond Throughout the better part of 2022 there has been one question that has consistently, and predictably, popped up in conversations with my friends, clients and readers. Those who know me and are familiar with my ideas are well aware of...
“It begins”: The rise of the digital dollar(12/5/2022)-In mid-November, while the whole world was focused on the Ukraine crisis, the US midterms or whatever other “big story” the media decided was more important, a truly momentous shift took place in the global financial system. It might seem like a small step on the surface, but it has the...
The way forward: (12/1/2022)-A practical roadmap to reclaiming individual and financial sovereignty – Part II of II Essential ingredients There have always been people with a passion for liberty. Since the earliest historical records, we can find questioners, dissenters, “trouble makers”, contrarians and all kinds of free and inquisitive minds. In this day and...
The way forward: (11/30/2022)-A practical roadmap to reclaiming individual and financial sovereignty – Part I of II Those who are familiar with my ideas and my writings undoubtedly know that one the issues I’m most passionate about is individual freedom, on all levels. I believe that free-thinking people know what’s best of them and...
Vortrag in Regen am 17.12.2022(11/29/2022)- Vortrag von Claudio Grass am Samstag, 17. Dezember 2022 in Regen Der «Great Reset» und was es wirklich bedeutet Claudio Grass stellt die «geistigen Täter» der heutigen Gesellschafts- und Systemkrise vor und erklärt, was hinter dem Schlachtruf «der lange Marsch durch die Institutionen» steckt. Er beleuchtet die Geschichte des...
“Keynes is the winner of the day, not Milton Friedman”(11/10/2022)-Interview with Václav Klaus To many of us, no matter how well versed in history, in political affairs or in socioeconomic issues, the present conditions in the West, and especially in Europe, can sometimes seem like the plot of a bad movie. It is often said that history doesn’t repeat...
Claudio Grass – The Movement Is Spreading World Wide, The Great Awakening, The [DS] Has Failed(11/2/2022)-Claudio begins his discussion with the pandemic, the people are waking up and they are now seeing that the criminals lied to them. The war is a show and as the economy implodes on itself the people understand that its not Putin fault, it is the criminal politicians that are...
The importance of being modest(11/2/2022)-It can be argued that the world has reach the sorry state it’s in today largely because academics, politicians and “distinguished experts” or “recognized authorities” did not have the humility to admit their own mistakes, or to at least recognize the limits of their knowledge. Of course, this is far from a...
“The British people are politically homeless – Part II”(10/14/2022)-Interview with Godfrey Bloom: Part II of II (click on this link for Part I) Claudio Grass (CG): With everything that’s been going on, it could be argued that very few of Liz Truss’s predecessors had worse luck in their first month in office. The Queen’s death dominated international mainstream...
“The British people are politically homeless – Part I”(10/13/2022)-Interview with Godfrey Bloom: Part I of II A lot has been said and written about Britain’s political and economic woes since Brexit, and even more so over the last two years. Overwhelmingly, mainstream media coverage has been negative and many of the nation’s problems have been blamed on Brexit itself....
Fernando del Pino Calvo-Sotelo: The decline of Reason in the West(10/7/2022)-by Claudio Grass, Hünenberg, Switzerland It will come as no surprise to friends and regular readers that I hold but a handful of contemporary intellects in high esteem, given the present Zeitgeist, the current state of state education and the level of public discourse. It will be even less surprising...
Philosophy and (Un)Common Sense(9/28/2022)-Interview with Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski In today’s world, dominated as it is by the ephemeral, the superficial and the inconsequential, it can be hard for a rational, dispassionate observer to make sense of what is going on – politically, socially, economically and philosophically. It is that last aspect that gets...
Conversation with Sean from SGT(9/26/2022)-Precious metals analyst and expert Claudio Grass returns to SGT Report to discuss the World Economic Forum and the New World Order. Click on the below link – the content is too much for YouTube and therefore we have to protect on rumble to avoid the “spin-doctors” from the “Ministry...
The many perils of “Stockholm syndrome” politics(9/16/2022)-It’s been a tumultuous couple of months in UK politics. After a troubled time in office, plagued by scandal, internal party frictions and much public embarrassment, Boris Johnson exited the stage leaving behind a big old mess for his successor to clean up. An economy in tatters, inflation at record...
Eat or heat(9/6/2022)-Europeans are already facing previously unthinkable dilemmas As the citizens of the Eurozone and the UK are increasingly struggling to make ends meet due to record levels of inflation, and as the winter draws closer, a serious cost of living crisis is set to spiral out of control. Skyrocketing energy...
Greetings from Switzerland(9/2/2022)-I’m back from Geneva where, among other things, I briefly visited the headquarter of the World Economic Forum (WEF) to express my appreciation for this organization. Check out my picture :-). In addition I enjoyed a conversation with Jose El Niño – you will find the podcast under the below...
“War on cash” update: A brighter outlook(9/1/2022)-Part II of II, by Claudio Grass, Switzerland Finally, a victory for the State Central planners and paper pushers of all stripes are not generally known for their acumen or their ability to recognize and successfully seize opportunities in time. They always tend to lag behind more or less every...
War on cash” update: A brighter outlook(8/30/2022)-Part I of II, by Claudio Grass, Switzerland For years, I’ve been following very closely all the relevant updates on the State’s war on cash. I’ve read and written a lot about all the direct and indirect efforts to restrict the citizens’ choices and make sure they shift all their transactions...
Paving the way for a 2008 déjà vu(8/16/2022)-It would appear that the central planners of the Bank of England have very short or very selective memories. After adopting unprecedented easing measures during the covid crisis and after supporting the government in its efforts to flood the economy with fresh cash during that same period, the central bank...
“Whatever it takes” – Part II of II(8/4/2022)-The Fascist Boogeyman awakes again The threat of a far-right takeover has been around for at least three decades in Europe and Italy has been one of the best “candidates” for the “beginning of the end” since the last European crisis ten years ago. Back then it was the Lega,...
“Whatever it takes”:(8/2/2022)-In the case of Italy, it will take a whole lot more – Part I of II When the collapse of the Italian government was officially announced, on July 21, many political observers both in Europe and across the rest of the West, were aghast. If Mario Draghi, the central...
Parity hysterics: What it means and what it doesn’t – Part II(7/21/2022)-Part II of II, by Claudio Grass, Hünenberg See, Switzerland “Reverse currency wars”? Although the parity event may have captured the attention of the mainstream financial press and most western citizens, there’s a much bigger shift that has been going on in the background, which received much less coverage. We...
Parity hysterics: What it means and what it doesn’t(7/18/2022)-Part I of II, by Claudio Grass, Hünenberg See, Switzerland There’s been a flurry of articles, news stories and headlines lately over the developments in the FOREX market, specifically over the moves of the EUR/USD currency pair. As headwinds on all levels, economic, geopolitical and social, got a lot worse...
Gold and Inflation Q&A with David Forsyth(7/12/2022)-This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Therefore please feel free to share and you can subscribe for my articles by clicking here
Private property rights under siege – Part II(7/6/2022)-Part II of II, by Claudio Grass, Hünenberg, Switzerland An astonishing acceleration Even though the downhill trajectory we saw over the last decades in terms of property rights was bad enough, nothing could have ever prepared us for what the covid crisis would bring. Even those of us who have...
Private property rights under siege – Part I(7/4/2022)-Part I of II, by Claudio Grass, Hünenberg, Switzerland It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to argue that private property rights, as understood by classic liberal thinkers, by those who embrace Austrian economic theory and by all member of an enlightened society, are not only the cornerstone, but also the last...
Unheeded warnings: Václav Klaus at the Marmara Forum(6/17/2022)-This not the first time that Václav Klaus’ astute observations and experience-based predictions turn out to be shockingly accurate years later, and I’m pretty confident it will not be the last. Even before the examples that follow and that he clearly laid out in his address at the Marmara Forum,...
A crack-up boom in the making(6/14/2022)-The great Ludwig von Mises first described the concept of a crack-up boom as part of the Austrian business cycle theory, based on real life events that to an unsuspecting bystander might have appeared unconnected, or perhaps even quite bizarre and counterintuitive. Indeed, such a bystander might think the same...
Inflation outlook – A battle lost before it started(6/3/2022)-After months of consumer price increases and after countless working households found themselves in dire financial straits struggling to make ends meet, in the late May, President Biden finally revealed his grand plan to fight inflation in an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal. The much-anticipated response to the cost...
“Gold is an insurance policy against the stupidity of governments”(5/24/2022)-Interview with Bob Moriarty As I mentioned many times before, trying to accurately forecast economic events or to “time the market” is a fool’s errand. To the chagrin of all central planners, mainstream analysts and all kinds of “experts”, the economy is a vastly complex, living organism, with too many...
“Real innovation and progress happen beyond Big Tech” – Part II(5/19/2022)-Interview with Bernd Rodler – Part II of II Claudio Grass (CG): A lot people still consider it safer to go with a huge, established corporation, thinking these solutions would be more reliable and robust, especially for business applications. What is your take on this view? Bernd Rodler (BR): This is a...
“Real innovation and progress happen beyond Big Tech”(5/17/2022)-Interview with Bernd Rodler – Part I of II Those who know me and who have read my writings before will be very well aware of how important the topic of decentralization is to me and to my way of looking at the world, at our societies and our economies. I truly...
Gold: A use case for the modern era(5/4/2022)-Part II of II The big picture here is clear and it is essential to understand that it represents a very significant paradigm shift. Whether it is online or offline, whether it is through a mobile app, an exchange or even through physical contracts, ownership titles to gold holdings keep...
Gold: A use case for the modern era(5/3/2022)-Part I of II For decades, physical gold investors have had to contend with superficial, naive and wholly ahistorical “arguments” from the mainstream financial press, from economists and experts of all stripes, claiming that gold is nothing but a barbarous relic. To them, the yellow metal is akin to investment superstition....
Is Switzerland still a safe jurisdiction for precious metals investors?(4/21/2022)-Over the last two years, we’ve all witnessed state abuses of power and extreme overreaches the likes of which many average citizens had never imagined they’d see in their own lifetimes. This caused a great part of the body politic in many Western nations to revisit their previously held beliefs...
Russia’s “gold peg”: Lessons for Western investors(4/12/2022)-It is undeniable that the ongoing crisis in Ukraine has polarized Western societies to an extent unseen in decades in any other foreign conflict. For over a month, we have been bombarded unceasingly by all mainstream media sources with reports and stories about Russia’s invasion and this conflict has already...
Cantillon effect: Who’s paying the highest price?(4/6/2022)-Every time we hear government officials announce their big spending plans, their new welfare programs and their ambitious “job creating” schemes, they always present them as being in defense of the poorest and the most marginalized members of our societies. In coordination with their central bankers, they print and spend new...
Ukraine conflict: A dispassionate analysis(3/30/2022)-I realize that I shouldn’t be surprised at the way the crisis in Ukraine has divided our societies or at the blind fanaticism the conversations around it have provoked. After all, virtually every other development of consequence has tuned out exactly the same. From covid to the economy and from...
Is gold too expensive?(3/22/2022)-Over the last couple of years we witnessed quite an extraordinary ride in gold prices. An impressive ascent until the last quarter of 2020 was followed by a pullback that scared many speculators away, which in turn transformed into a period of strength and then came another ebb… And recently,...
The forgotten art of Debate(3/17/2022)-One quick glance at different news headlines or just 5’ switching between TV networks suffice to convince even the most naive news consumer that there is something seriously wrong with the way public discourse was (d)evolved in our societies over the last years. Of course, journalism was never entirely devoid of...
JERM WARFARE WITH ASTRID STUCKELBERGER & CLAUDIO GRASS – BREAKING FREE FROM COVID MADNESS(3/9/2022)-Astrid Stuckelberger and Claudio Grass have been on my podcast before. Both are from Switzerland, and both featured in the super documentary Planet Lockdown. You can also see the video here: (copy/past into browser). Feel free to share!
Václav Klaus: Remembering Gordon Tullock(2/24/2022)-It is a regrettable fact, but a fact nonetheless, that too many students of economic and monetary history have no idea where the principles and theories they espouse really came from. So many important thinkers, with unconventional and truly inquisitive minds, have been shut out of mainstream textbooks and were...
The weaponization of Economics – Part II(2/7/2022)-Part II of II, by Claudio Grass Slippery slope However, interesting as those experiments and observations might be, they are still the result of specific parameters within a particular setting and an environment that doesn’t resemble real life. Serious and honest behavioral economists both understand and freely admit this. Just...
The weaponization of Economics(2/3/2022)-Part I of II, by Claudio Grass The field of economics has long and often very embarrassing history of absurd theories, blatantly wrong assumptions and hypotheses, spectacularly wrong predictions and entirely avoidable policymaking blunders; a few of them hilarious, most of them catastrophic, some of them literally murderous. Overconfidence and...
Missing the forest for the tree(1/28/2022)-Over the second half of January, we witnessed a fresh wave of volatility in equity markets, culminating in a pullback that caused widespread concern and endless headlines in the mainstream financial press. There was speculation of a full blown correction, other “experts” disagreed and predicted that central bankers would never allow...
Central Banks’ record gold stockpiling(1/20/2022)-According to recently released data by the World Gold Council (WGC), as of September 2021, the total amount of gold held in reserves by central banks globally exceeded 36,000 tons for the first time since 1990. This 31-year record was the result of the world’s central banks adding more that...
PLANET LOCKDOWN DOCUMENTARY – PREMIERE(1/16/2022)-Planet Lockdown in the United States 🇺🇸 released their feature-length documentary in ten languages on the 15th of January 2022. “For Planet Lockdown we spoke to some of the brightest minds in the world including epidemiologists, scientists, doctors, lawyers, protesters, a statesman and a prince. These brave souls had the...
Planet Lockdown Film is coming on Jan 15th!(1/7/2022)-Short Trailer to the international documentary PLANET LOCKDOWN. WHERE ARE WE? Full release in multiple languages January Subscribe to the email list for updates on the film and interviews: Watch more full interviews and educate yourself!
Lessons from 2021: The rational way out(12/23/2021)-As we are all preparing to bid farewell to 2021, there is a general feeling that this year, much like its predecessor, will not be missed. To my mind, however, it is clear that even though the past 12 months didn’t really teach us anything new, they did help cement...
“We are witnessing the mother of all bubbles” – Part II(12/20/2021)-Interview with Fernando del Pino Calvo-Sotelo – Part II of II Claudio Grass (CG): We often refer to inflation as a “hidden tax” or a “silent thief”, due to the fact that most of the time, its effects are hardly noticed by the average household in real time. However, this time appears...
“We are witnessing the mother of all bubbles”(12/17/2021)-Part I of II – Interview with Fernando del Pino Calvo-Sotelo As 2021 draws to an end, it is a good time for us all to pause for a moment, look back and take stock of the year that is almost behind us. It is especially interesting to recall what...
The rise of the Anti-Work movement(12/8/2021)-Campaigns to improve working conditions, union-led protests, strikes for better wages and tensions between workers and employers have always been part of our social, political and economic reality and are really nothing new. After all, the relationship between a person who sells their time and skills and the one who “buys”...
The taper that never was(12/3/2021)-For many months now, the mainstream financial press and market analysts have been anticipating some kind of violent reaction or a “taper tantrum”, based on what they described as “hawkish” statements from the Fed and other central banks. Removing the “crutches” from the economy, by hiking interest rates and stopping the asset purchasing...
Government interventions and the Cobra effect – Part II(12/2/2021)-Part II of II Unsound money, unsound society Of course, one of the most important and consequential parts of the incredibly complex organism that is the economy is money itself. It is its lifeblood and as the song goes, “it makes the world go round”. Therefore, manipulating the currency itself is...
Government interventions and the Cobra effect – Part I(11/29/2021)-Part I of II Almost two decades ago, German economist Horst Siebert coined the term the “Cobra effect” to describe the real-world consequences of “well-intentioned” government interventions that go awry and produce the exact opposite results from what they aim for. The term was inspired by an incident that took place in...
Inflation on the rise – The blame game(11/5/2021)-After months of outright denials and fiery persistence that inflation is not a problem and never will be, central bankers in the US, the EU and other advanced economies are now being forced to face reality, as well as the consequences of their own actions. Instead of doing that, however,...
Corruption of the currency and decivilization – Part II(11/1/2021)-Lessons from the Fall of the Roman Empire – Part II of II Gold-backed civilization vs. the Welfare State Many rational economists and students of history have written countless analyses on the gold standard and the terrible impact that its end has had on the world economy. However, as the...
Corruption of the currency and decivilization(10/28/2021)-Lessons from the Fall of the Roman Empire – Part I of II The rise and fall of the Roman Empire is arguably one the most studied, written about and theorized over subjects in academia, with fiery debates raging for hundreds of years among historians, sociologists and political scientists. The...
Germany in limbo: what lies ahead for savers and investors(10/12/2021)-The September 26 election was an extremely close race, with the eyes of the world fixed upon the country as it tried to find the successor of Angela Merkel, one the most influential and longest-serving leaders in Europe. But even after the results came in, the suspense was far from...
50 years since the closure of the “gold window”(10/7/2021)-Part IV of IV by Claudio Grass The Nixon Shock: The way forward President Nixon’s unilateral decision to sever the last link between the dollar and gold had wide ranging and long lasting consequences for the global economy and for the entire monetary system. The end of sound money facilitated...
50 years since the closure of the “gold window”(9/28/2021)-Part III of IV by Claudio Grass The Nixon Shock: Where we stand today A lot has been said and written about the inflationary effects that the closure of the gold window had on the real economy and on ordinary people’s lives. And rightfully so, as this has been among...
50 years since the closure of the “gold window”(9/16/2021)-Part II of IV by Claudio Grass The lasting impact of the Nixon Shock The economic and monetary consequences of Nixon’s decision to end the convertibility of the US dollar to gold are as numerous as they are severe. It marked the start of five decades of monetary and fiscal...
50 years since the closure of the “gold window”(9/15/2021)-Part I of IV by Claudio Grass What happened and why This year marked the 50th anniversary of President Nixon’s decision to unilaterally close the “gold window”. The impact of this move can hardly be overstated. It triggered a tectonic shift of momentous consequences and it changed not just the global...
The battle for control over the future of money(9/7/2021)-It’s no secret that governments and central planners of all stripes have long detested the rise of private money and independent digital currencies. They have tried to stifle the burgeoning crypto industry from the moment it attracted mainstream attention. For years, they have continued to add regulatory hurdles and threaten...
Swiss stocking up on gold!(8/31/2021)-How planning ahead and preparing for what lies ahead is a lesson everyone needs to learn Over the last couple of months, it has become clear from conversations with friends and partners from the gold industry that there is a marked increase in retail demand for physical gold from Swiss...
Switzerland: The safest of havens – Part II(8/12/2021)-Part II of II, by Claudio Grass, Hünenberg See, Switzerland Why Switzerland? There are many good reasons that could easily explain the flock of so many wealthy families and investors to Switzerland and all of them have been reinforced by the pandemic. For one thing, the local measures that were...
Ein Gespräch unter freien Menschen(8/9/2021)-Viel Spass mit der Diskussion in Mundart über die letzten Monate und mögliche Wege aus der Krise. Only available in Swiss German
Switzerland: The safest of havens(8/9/2021)-Part I of II, by Claudio Grass, Hünenberg See, Switzerland The covid crisis, and especially the destructive governmental responses to it, have wreaked havoc with the global economy and with our societies. However, the chaos and the widespread uncertainty that prevailed over the last year and a half also served...
The far-reaching implications of the amateur trading wave(7/29/2021)-Part II of II by Claudio Grass, Hünenberg See, Switzerland Case in point: Silver “apes” One of the most astounding elements of this shift in retail investing is the proof it offers for what many of us knew along: When people can freely and directly vote with their wallets and put...
The far-reaching implications of the amateur trading wave(7/27/2021)-Part I of II by Claudio Grass, Hünenberg See, Switzerland 2020 certainly was a year of a lot of “firsts”, most them extremely destructive to the economy, to our societies and to our everyday lives. However, there were a few positive developments too, among them being the fact that it was...
Freedom Is Not Free You Have To Fight For It, The People Will Demand Decentralization(7/25/2021)-Claudio begins his discussion with him taking a trip from Switzerland to Spain. On his travels he realized that the borders are open for cars and people were not asked for proof of vaccination. The people will begin to come together when they cannot function in everyday life because of...
War on Cash: EU steps up the fight(7/14/2021)-by Claudio Grass, Hünenberg See, Switzerland The prolonged and repeated lockdowns, business closures and travel bans have caused widespread economic devastation and changed the way all of us live, work and interact with each other. These were the most obvious changes that the covid crisis brought with it, however, a...
Precious metals outlook: This summer presents a rare entry point(7/6/2021)-by Claudio Grass, Hünenberg, Switzerland It’s been an intense few weeks for precious metals investors, with gold and silver suffering setbacks and somewhat increased volatility. This has caused some observers and mainstream analysts to jump to gloomy conclusions and proclaim that gold’s bull run is over. Instead, they’re betting everything...
Monetary Climate Change and its implications for investors – Part II(6/24/2021)-Interview with Ronald-Peter Stöferle: Part II of II Claudio Grass (CG): Even before the pandemic, there was a clear trend towards the politicization of central banks and monetary policy. Over the last year, however, we saw this accelerate considerably, to the point where the supposed independence of the Fed or the...
Monetary Climate Change and its implications for investors(6/22/2021)-Interview with Ronald-Peter Stöferle: Part I of II I’ve long been an avid and enthusiastic reader of the “In Gold We Trust” report (“IGWT”), as I believe countless other gold investors are, and I’ve always found great value in the insights, the analyses and all the astute commentary and elucidating charts it...
“Radical efforts seldom work if they are deprived of common sense” – Part II(6/10/2021)-Interview with Fernando del Pino Calvo-Sotelo: Part II of II Claudio Grass (CG): In your analyses and articles on the issues around the covid crisis, you have adopted a very rational and calm approach, focusing on evidence and scientific facts. Why do you think it is that so many people,...
“Radical efforts seldom work if they are deprived of common sense”(6/8/2021)-Interview with Fernando del Pino Calvo-Sotelo: Part I of II Even from the early days of the covid crisis, most sensible observers were concerned that the risk of mass panic and of fear overtaking reason was going to be much higher and much more severe than the biological threat itself....
Inflation risk takes center stage – Part II of II(5/31/2021)-The hidden tax A lot of people might be aware of historical cases of hyperinflation, like that of Hungary and the Weimar Republic, or even contemporary ones, like that of Venezuela. And yet, these are taught or reported like extreme cases, very far removed from the daily experience of most...
Inflation risk takes center stage – Part I of II(5/27/2021)-Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve been seeing more and more mainstream headlines about inflation fears being on the rise, both in the US and in Europe. Central bankers on both sides of the Atlantic have been doing their best to assuage these concerns, promising that they have everything...
A fork in the road: Digital Fiat vs. Decentralized Money(5/12/2021)-I have long thought about and written about the incredible opportunities that decentralized digital technologies have brought forward, especially when it comes to solving financial and monetary problems. The more these technologies and their applications develop and mature, the more I believe they hold many of the answers to some...
Get real, be real, and buy real – Part II(4/29/2021)-Interview with David Morgan: Part II of II Claudio Grass (CG): During the first wave of lockdowns and travel bans we saw a lot of disruptions in the physical precious metal market. With delivery delays and logistics problems, has the situation fully normalized today for physical silver, or are you seeing...
Get real, be real, and buy real(4/27/2021)-Interview with David Morgan: Part I of II The past year has been a remarkably interesting time for precious metals and especially for silver. The metal had spent many years in the shadow of its “big brother”, but it made an impressive, roaring comeback that grabbed headlines and mainstream interest. ...
Reality check: The “miracle recovery” narrative(4/16/2021)-Over the last few weeks, we’ve been constantly bombarded by news reports and “expert” analyses celebrating an incredible global economic recovery. They’re not even presented as projections or expectations anymore, but as a fact, as though the return to vibrant growth is already underway. Stock markets certainly seem to agree, going...
Precious metals are and always have been the ultimate insurance(4/8/2021)-Interview with Robert Hartmann As we enter the second quarter of 2021, the year during which so many mainstream analysts and politicians have predicted we’ll see a miraculous recovery from the covid crisis, it is becoming increasingly clear that the damage inflicted by the lockdowns and the shutdowns is really...
“If you increase the competition of ideas, more truth emerges”(3/30/2021)-Interview with Icaros For this interview, I have reached out to Icaros, principal author of the blog He is part of a group of liberty lovers working to build a “freedom cell” in the Swiss Alps. Before the interview, he told me the project is advancing well, as four new families...
Anti-Corona Demonstration Switzerland(3/24/2021)-Dear friends of liberty this is an original translation from German into English by me of my first speech I gave a few weeks ago at the second demonstration against Corona in Switzerland. Enjoy and stay free, Claudio Title: He who does not command himself, always remains servant! und nachfolgende...
The bitcoin surge in its proper context(3/2/2021)-Over the last few weeks we’ve been witnessing a historic surge in the Bitcoin price, a seemingly unstoppable ride that the mainstream media headlines can hardly keep up with. Especially following the news that Elon Musks’ Tesla bought $1.5 in the cryptocurrency, sending it to new record highs, most of the...
“Self-control and self-respect have become undervalued”(2/16/2021)-Interview with Theodore Dalrymple After a year of lockdowns, social isolation, financial uncertainty and extreme political polarization, a lot of people are finding it very difficult to remain optimistic and to see a way back to some kind of normalcy. While the economic, social and political impact of the covid...
“Settled science”: The rallying cry back to the dark ages(2/11/2021)-Increasingly over the past decade, but infinitely more so over the last year, we’ve been hearing politicians, mainstream media and all kinds of experts urging, and often sternly demanding, citizens, voters and taxpayers to “follow the science”. This demand usually accompanies various new policies, regulations and mandates. Very often, those tend...
“The bank and the government have essentially blended into one entity” – Part II(2/4/2021)-Interview with Karim Taleb Part II of II Claudio Grass (CG): Part and parcel of that same institutional “strategy”, especially in its current form, is the idea that deficits and debt don’t matter. Basically, after 2020, it can be argued that we’re all Modern Monetary Theorists now, as nobody in...
“The bank and the government have essentially blended into one entity”(2/2/2021)-Interview with Karim Taleb Part I of II: A lot has been said and written about the impact of the Covid crisis on the global economy and on the prospects of a strong recovery in 2021. Especially since the start of the year, there seems to be a consensus among...
“The centralization of power always fails”(1/21/2021)-Interview with Martin A. Armstrong, founder AE Global Solutions Inc. As we stand at the beginning of the new year, there’s a lot of hope by investors, business owners, citizens, all of us, that 2021 will be better than its predecessor. We all wish for an end to the pandemic,...
Conversation with H.S.H. Prince Michael of Liechtenstein(1/19/2021)-“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.”- Charles Mackay It is my great pleasure to send you this sit down interview with H.S.H. Prince Michael of Liechtenstein. He...
“Italia Cashless”(1/14/2021)-The latest front of war on cash Together with Germans and Greeks, Italians have long been the most stubborn and steadfast of Europeans in their love of cash. For years, they have resisted cards and digital payments and viewed with deep suspicion most campaigns to convert them. To a...
Planet Lockdown Film Project(1/5/2021)-“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” – Aristotle Dear friends of freedom Some of you already know that I have been busy over the last months making a documentary film about Covid together with my friend James from Washington D.C.....
“The real danger comes from massive state dependence” – Part II(12/30/2020)-INTERVIEW WITH H.S.H. PRINCE MICHAEL OF LIECHTENSTEIN – Part II of II Claudio Grass (CG): Since the start of the pandemic, we’ve witnessed extreme efforts to increase top-down control and to centralize power in ways that affect almost all aspects of a citizen’s life. Do you expect that this can...
“The real danger comes from massive state dependence”(12/29/2020)-INTERVIEW WITH H.S.H. PRINCE MICHAEL OF LIECHTENSTEIN – Part I of II As we’re preparing to leave 2020 behind, a year that will most likely feature prominently in future history books, it is hard to look back on all that has happened without a sense of apprehension and uncertainty over...
Godfrey Bloom: “The great central banking experiment has failed.”(12/22/2020)-These days, most mainstream news reports are being monopolized by the pandemic, the covid vaccine and all the new rules and lockdowns that are being enforced across the Western world, and this near-obsessive focus comes at the expense of a lot other important developments. The last story that managed to...
Swiss direct democracy in action(12/10/2020)-On the last Sunday of November the Swiss citizens once again rejected efforts staged by left-leaning groups and NGOs to chip away at the nation’s long tradition of free enterprise, respect for private property and financial freedom. Two important proposals were brought before the Swiss people in a set of...
The far-reaching impact of the US election(12/1/2020)-The 2020 election was a roller coaster experience for both sides and for all International observers who understood its massive economic and geopolitical implications for the rest of the West. There was no shortage of drama, sensationalism, half-truths and full untruths at every stage of the process, from the Democratic...
Second lockdown in Europe(11/12/2020)-Implications for precious metals investors As the long-awaited “second wave” of the corona pandemic sweeps through Europe, another round of severe restrictions, travel bans and rules that prevent the proper function of international business and trade threatens to once again disrupt all kinds of sectors, including the gold industry. Lockdown 2.0...
Gold Is Money – Everything Else Is Credit – J.P. Morgan – Part II(11/10/2020)-Interview with Rafi Farber: Part II of II Rafi Farber, pen name Austrolib, is the publisher of The End Game Investor, a daily market commentary written from an Austrian economics perspective focusing on precious metals, the Comex, and monetary analysis. His work is followed by leaders in the precious metals industry including...
“Gold is Money, Everything Else Is Credit” – J.P. Morgan(11/6/2020)-Interview with Rafi Farber – Part I of II By now it is probably obvious, even to the most naive of mainstream narrative followers, that we are well past the point of no return on many fronts. Politics, on a national and global level, are never getting back to “normal”,...
BFI Special Report “On the Brink of a New Era – Are You Prepared?”(10/30/2020)-A “Swiss Conversation” with Frank R Suess, Founding Partner and Chairman of BFI Capital Group in Switzerland and Claudio Grass The world has already changed, arguably irreversibly, but the full effects of the extreme political, fiscal and monetary measures that were enforced during the covid crisis are not yet entirely...
Unless the US stops printing money, the dollar will collapse(10/29/2020)-Interview with Patrick Barron – Part II of II Claudio Grass (CG): This crisis has shaken a lot of industries and core functions of the global economy and international trade. How do you assess its impact on the most important part of the machine, the banking system? Do you see...
“Unless the US stops printing money, the dollar will collapse.”(10/27/2020)-Interview with Patrick Barron – Part I of II We’re less than two weeks away from the US election, and yet this sense of utter confusion, bitter political conflict, and economic uncertainty that has been ominously hovering over the nation, as well as the rest of the world, doesn’t seem...
US election: Red flags for investors(10/22/2020)-Part II of II Outlook and wider impact As showcased during the debates and in the entire campaign rhetoric, politicians in the US but also in Europe, are solely focused on promoting solutions that only serve to paper over the problems and address the symptoms of the disease. From “covid...
US election: Red flags for investors(10/20/2020)-Part I of II The implications of the upcoming US election are obviously very important not just for American citizens, investors and ordinary savers, but for the rest of the world too. Economic, fiscal and monetary developments and trends that take place in the US influence the global economy in...
Tyrants Are Waging War Against Their Own Citizens(10/11/2020)-As [D] Mayor de Blasio shuts down schools and restaurants in NYC yet AGAIN, and as cops in Australia arrest women on beaches for traveling outside of 5 KM from their homes, it’s clear that tyrants around the world are openly waging war against their own people. Claudio Grass joins...
Switzerland – The safest haven from the Covid storm(10/7/2020)-Switzerland remains a “special case” As we now enter fall and the news cycle continues to be dominated by Covid-related stories, the “second wave” and new lockdowns and restrictions being enforced all around the globe, hopes of a swift recovery have by now completely evaporated in all rational investors’ minds....
We don’t have to kill the king, if we just can ignore the king(9/30/2020)-“The right of self-determination in regard to the question of membership in a state thus means: whenever the inhabitants of a particular territory, whether it be a single village, a whole district, or a series of adjacent districts, make it known, by a freely conducted plebiscite, that they no longer wish...
“The U.S. economy felt like a balloon in search of a needle” – Part II(9/24/2020)-Interview with Robert Mark: Claudio Grass (CG): In this surreal policy environment, how has the role and the investment process of the value investor evolved, especially over the last decade? How can one still identify value in a world of subsidized binge borrowing, extreme indebtedness, and stock buybacks? Robert Mark (RM): The...
“The U.S. economy felt like a balloon in search of a needle” – Part I(9/22/2020)-Interview with Robert Mark As we move deeper and deeper into this covid crisis, more and more people understand that there’s a lot more to fear besides the disease itself. As the economic impact and the full scale of the damage caused by the lockdowns and the shutdowns become undeniable,...
You cannot print your way to prosperity – Part II(9/8/2020)-Interview with Theodore Deden Claudio Grass (CG): Looking at the damage inflicted upon supply chains, production facilities and global trade in particular, how quickly could these operations snap back even if all COVID-related restrictions were lifted tomorrow? Do you think we’ll eventually get back to business as usual, or have...
You cannot print your way to prosperity – Part I(9/4/2020)-Interview with Theodore Deden There might be a lot of conflicting opinions and disagreement these days about the right way to get out of this current crisis and to rebuild our economy and our society. One the very few things we can all agree on, however, is that the challenges...
Standing at a crossroads(8/31/2020)-“The more we gained knowledge of these new totalitarian systems of mass-rule, the more we realized not only their similarity of structure, but also the fact that we had to do with a type of dominance that had been known in earlier epochs. We discovered that what the ancients called...
“Central banks, not elected governments, run the world”(8/25/2020)-Interview with Chris Powell Since the beginning of the pandemic, we’ve seen many crucial and historic developments in the precious metals market. For long-term physical gold investors, who recognized the importance of the precious metal as a safe haven and as a hedge against systemic and monetary risks, the rally...
Gold doing what it does best – Part II(8/18/2020)-Beyond economics While the economic forces that drive this rush to precious metals are clearly understandable, there are other, deeper and less obvious factors that must also be taken into account. This “fear of uncertainty”, which pushes demand for gold higher as it has done so many times in the...
Gold doing what it does best – Part I(8/13/2020)-Gold’s stellar performance throughout the pandemic and especially over the last weeks has managed to capture international headlines and dominate expert analyses and commentary. The media frenzy quickly intensified once the precious metal first broke the $2,000 ceiling in early August, a record that was widely covered by mainstream outlets,...
A blueprint for a European superstate(7/30/2020)-The EU Pandemic Relief Deal After intense negotiations, long days and nights of clashes and a distinctly sour note underlying the entire summit, European Union leaders finally agreed on an unprecedented 1.82 trillion-euro ($2.1 trillion) budget and COVID recovery package. This agreement provided €750 billion in funding meant to counter...
Is the West repeating India’s mistakes? – Part II(7/28/2020)-Interview with Jayant Bhandari Claudio Grass (CG): In such a vast and incredibly diverse country like India, can top-down measures and centralized policies like affirmative action or caste-based economic incentives effectively force social change and economic equality? Or can they be seen as merely symbolic moves, or perhaps just political...
Is the West repeating India’s mistakes?(7/23/2020)-Interview with Jayant Bhandari: Part I Following the publication of our last conversation with Jayant Bhandari, I received a lot of interesting feedback and remarks. The common denominator of all those comments was the astonishment of many Western readers at the real conditions and dynamics on the ground in India....
War on poverty, or just war on the poor?(7/16/2020)-As the dust is now begging to settle, both from the heights of the COVID panic and from the riots that shook the western world, we are starting to get an idea about where we stand after this unprecedented and tumultuous time. We are able to begin taking stock of...
The attitude should be gratitude(7/3/2020)-During these increasingly polarized times, it is easy for logical debates to give way to emotionally charged shouting matches. Once the idea of free dialogue is gone, riots, destruction and violence are sure to follow, as we’ve seen in almost the entire Western world over the last weeks. However, there...
“The illusions of Keynesianism create a morally corrupt society” – Part II(6/23/2020)-Part I can be found here Claudio Grass (CG): Overall, apart from the obvious economic consequences of the crisis, do you also see geopolitical and social ones, on a wider scale? Given all these “moving parts”, from the upcoming US election and internal frictions in the EU to the Hong...
“The illusions of Keynesianism create a morally corrupt society”(6/18/2020)-Interview with Jayant Bhandari: Part I of II The global economic shutdown has inflicted unprecedented damage and caused widespread destruction both in the economy and in our societies. While the true scale of the crisis is yet to be revealed, we already have enough data to support the case for a...
The War On Cash – COVID Edition Part II(6/16/2020)-The digital “toll” It doesn’t require too dark an imagination to realize the gravity of the concerns over the digital yuan. China is a true pioneer when it comes surveillance, censorship and political oppression and the digital age has given an incredibly efficient and effective arsenal to the state. Adding...
The War On Cash – COVID Edition Part I(6/12/2020)-The corona crisis has already taken a very high toll and caused deep damage in our societies and our economies, the extent of which is yet to become apparent. We have seen its impact on productivity, on unemployment, on social cohesion and on political division. However, there is another very...
Reject the “Next Generation EU Plan”(6/9/2020)-The Václav Klaus Institute urging the Czech Government to reject the dangerous Ursula von der Leyen´s plan It is rather rare that I share articles on my channel that are not from my own pen. The following article is therefore an exception and for good reason. It is written by...
Technocracy vs Liberty(6/9/2020)-“I prefer true but imperfect knowledge, even if it leaves much undetermined and unpredictable, to a pretense of exact knowledge that is likely to be false.” Friedrich August von Hayek On Friday Dave from X22 and I discussed the planned “Cultural Revolution 2020” led by “the anointed” technocrats and whether we have to accept their...
The controlled demolition of Western Civilization(6/5/2020)-Please forgive me that I don’t talk about the flue called “Corona”. I truly believe it is a deception and will be remembered as the attempt to destroy the private economy as well as the capitalistic system. What we are witnessing during this “corona-crisis” is simply unprecedented. It is nothing...
Einladung zur Auktion in Zürich vom 8. – 10. Juni 2020(5/29/2020)-Numismatik – Eine Klasse für sich! Es freut mich Ihnen diese Veranstaltung vorstellen zu dürfen, die in Zusammenarbeit mit meinem langjährigen Partner „pro aurum“ in den nächsten Tagen stattfindet. Die Welt der Numismatik hat eine eigene Faszinationskraft – historische, kulturelle und ästhetische Werte gehen auf einzigartige Weise in jedes Stück...
An unexpected blow to the ECB – Part II(5/28/2020)-The corona effect Although the German court ruling had nothing to do with this latest wave of easing and money printing triggered by the coronavirus crisis, the timing of it puts the present situation in a different perspective. This crisis has served as a “judgment day” of sorts. It revealed...
An unexpected blow to the ECB(5/26/2020)-Since the beginning of the year, the corona crisis has come to monopolize the news coverage to the extent that a lot of very important stories and developments either went underreported or were ignored altogether. One such example was the very surprising ruling out of the German Constitutional Court in...
“We are expecting a new wave and we’re prepared for it.”(5/14/2020)-Interview with Robert Hartmann, Co-Owner ProAurum Over the last couple of months, we’ve witnessed unprecedented changes in the global economy, in the markets and in our societies. The corona crisis and the governmental measures that were introduced had a dramatic and direct effect on all of us, as investors and...
Hard talk with Václav Klaus: “The people should say NO to all of it.”(5/4/2020)-As we get deeper into this crisis and we get used to our “new normal”, it’s easy to focus on the daily corona-horror stories in the media or the latest shocking unemployment numbers, and lose track of the bigger picture and of what is really, fundamentally important. Even as the...
“A crisis must never be misused to extend state power”(4/16/2020)-Interview with H.S.H. Prince Michael of Liechtenstein In these times of great uncertainty and widespread fear, it is natural for many citizens to turn to their leaders for guidance and reassurance. However, these much-needed qualities of real leadership have proven to be elusive in many countries around the world. Instead...
Nothing Is What It Seems(4/8/2020)-My latest interview about Corona, Liberty, Private Property, Authoritarism, and a fear-mongering global media campaign, which I call borderline criminal
Corona crisis: the cost of the response – Part II(4/7/2020)-Responding to the response This time around, both central banks and governments have gone “all-in” in their response packages and the scale of the support and liquidity provided dwarf the measures that we saw in the 2008 crisis. Of course, the question remains whether this will all be enough to...
Corona crisis: the cost of the response – Part I(4/3/2020)-The absolutely unprecedented wave of shutdowns, new restrictions and regulations that the coronavirus epidemic has triggered on a global scale is truly hard to quantify. We’ve simply never seen anything like it before. Never in the history of mankind have countries all over the globe intentionally hit the kill switch...
Is gold still a safe haven?(3/25/2020)-There have been moments in recent months when many gold owners, myself included, have asked themselves whether gold might have lost its safe haven status, at least in the western world. Was it enough for two generations, who grew up in a paper money system, to forget the history and...
Gold-Update from Switzerland(3/22/2020)-Dear all, There are more and more indications that the physical gold market is running at its limit. The Canadian Mint will not supply Maple Leaf coins for at least the next 3 months, various large refineries are under pressure, while traders are barely keeping up with the order flow....
A crisis is a terrible thing to waste – Part II(3/20/2020)-“Trust the state. Do what they say. They’ve never lied to us before, have they?” – Daniel McAdams, Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity Central bankers are washing their hands too Looking at the carnage that stock markets have suffered, it’s not surprising to see central banks jumping in...
A crisis is a terrible thing to waste – Part I(3/19/2020)-“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that, it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” -Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama’s Chief of Staff from 2009 to 2010. Only a couple of weeks ago, if anyone told you...
Media hysteria: Lessons from Brexit for citizens and for investors(3/13/2020)-The coronavirus epidemic has instilled real terror in the hearts of many investors, triggering a rude awaking to the actual state of the economy and panic unseen since 2008. This fear, that has spread among investors as it has among the general public, has been largely fueled by the coverage...
Silver and Platinum: buying opportunities gone unnoticed(3/3/2020)-Gold has been making headlines in recent days, as its price skyrocketed close to $1,700, a rise that most analysts have attributed to the spread of the coronavirus. The fears over its economic impact have sent global stock markets tumbling and, as is usually and reliably the case, panicked investors...
Modern Monetary Theory is an old Marxist Idea(2/27/2020)-There is nothing new under the sun Modern Monetary Theory, or “MMT”, has been getting a lot of attention lately, often celebrated as a revolutionary breakthrough. However, there is absolutely nothing new about it. The very basis of the theory, the idea that governments can finance their expenditures themselves and...
Coronavirus panic(2/25/2020)-Fear vs Facts The coronavirus epidemic seemingly came out of nowhere in the beginning of the year and within a matter of days managed to wreak havoc with stock markets. As the days and weeks passed, and as the confirmed cases and the death toll rose, the media stoked fear...
Gold is the 7th sense of financial markets(2/20/2020)-Interview with Ronald Stöferle – Part II Claudio Grass (CG): Looking at the interest rate policy of the last years, it would seem that central banks are backed into a corner. They cannot hike borrowing costs without risking a domino effect, as both government and corporate debt have reached record...
Gold is the 7th sense of financial markets(2/18/2020)-Interview with Ronald Stöferle – Part I As we embark on this new decade, there are plenty of good reasons to be optimistic about gold’s prospects. The global economy and the financial system are already stretched to a breaking point and demand for precious metals is heating up. This, of...
Das Internet – die dezentrale (R)Evolution(1/28/2020)-(If you want to read this text in English, please use – a great translation tool that uses language semantics.) Menschen werden durch unterschiedliche Motive angetrieben. Die einen sehen das höchste Glück in der Ansammlung von materiellen Werten, und andere sind von geistigen Werten angetrieben. Eine Idee kann genauso...
What lies ahead for gold in 2020(1/28/2020)-Over the last few months, gold’s performance has been remarkable. Many market observers and mainstream analysts have pointed to various geopolitical developments in their efforts to explain away the bullishness as a reaction to whatever happens to be in the headlines at the time. The Trump impeachment, the US-China trade...
Investing in crypto the sound way!(1/16/2020)-Interview with Christian Zulliger I have long been fascinated by the far-reaching consequences and the great potential of the wave of new technologies and ideas that emerged with the crypto revolution. While most of us first came into contact with these concepts in 2017, this tectonic shift that is only...
“The seeds have been sown for unrest in 2020 in Europe”(1/14/2020)-Interview with Godfrey Bloom The latest election in the UK promised to bring about a long-overdue end to the Brexit story. Getting out the EU has been a long and winding road for Britain and the multiple delays and setbacks have both infuriated and disappointed the millions of citizens who...
The owl has landed: Lagarde’s new vision for the ECB(1/9/2020)-On December 12, Christine Lagarde introduced her goals and vision in her first rate-setting meeting as the new President of the ECB. On the actual policy front, there were no surprises. She remained committed to the path set by her predecessor, Mario Draghi, and kept the current monetary stimulus unchanged....
While everyone talks, Bitcoin just keeps running – Part II(12/31/2019)-Claudio Grass (CG): During the 2017 hype, when most people became aware of Bitcoin, it was mainly sold as the payment vehicle of the future, as a great investment for the “little guy” who has no access to equity markets and even as a store of value that would replace...
While everyone talks, Bitcoin just keeps running – Part I(12/26/2019)-I have long been fascinated by both the progress made so far, and by and the promise of this new era of decentralized money that is only just beginning. Although I lack the technical expertise to fully understand the finer points of the code behind the different cryptocurrencies or to...
Corporate Debt Time Bomb(12/19/2019)-While I have reportedly highlighted the many risks of the current monetary policy direction and the multiple distortions that it has created in the markets, in the economy, and even in society, one of the most pressing dangers of the unnaturally low rates and cheap money is the staggering accumulation...
The destruction of civilization – implications of extreme monetary interventions(12/10/2019)-When I was asked to write an article about the impact of negative interest rates and negative yielding bonds, I thought this is a chance to look at the topic from a broader perspective. There have been lots of articles speculating about the possible implications and focusing on their impact...
The ECB’s “mea culpa”(12/3/2019)-Economists, conservative investors and market observers have been issuing stern warnings for years regarding the severe impact of the current monetary policy direction. The problems In a recent statement, ECB Vice President Luis de Guindos warned of potential side effects and risks to the economy resulting directly from the central...
The Evolution Of The Bank Run(11/26/2019)-There are numerous and wide-ranging reasons why someone may choose to invest in physical precious metals. A deep understanding of monetary history provides plenty of solid arguments, and so do the mounting geopolitical risks, the spiking probability of a recession and the long-term goal of many conservative investors to safeguard...
“We don’t have to behead the king if we can just ignore him” – Claudio Grass(11/8/2019)-“Negative interest rates are unsustainable and once investors decide to stop paying for the privilege of holding government debt, a banking crisis could result, says James Grant.” Returning SBTV guest, Claudio Grass, speaks with us about the unsustainable pensions, crumbling fiat currencies and a looming financial crisis in a world of...
QE by any other name(11/6/2019)-“The essence of the interventionist policy is to take from one group to give to another. It is confiscation and distribution. “ – Ludwig von Mises, Human Action In less than a year, we have witnessed an unprecedented monetary policy rollercoaster by the Federal Reserve, which began with a...
THE GROWING OPPOSITION AGAINST THE ECB(10/21/2019)-Few investors and market observers were really surprised when Mario Draghi announced the ECB’s next massive easing package in mid-September. Cutting rates further into negative territory and the revival of QE were largely expected sooner or later, as the “whatever it takes” outgoing ECB President is now faced with a...
A buying opportunity in precious metals(10/15/2019)-After a remarkable run over the past few months, gold and silver now appear to have entered a period of consolidation. Many speculators and short-term focused investors have sold their positions fearing a correction, while mainstream market commentators fuel these fears, with analyses that proclaim “the end of the road”...
A turning point in the bond market?(10/1/2019)-We’ve recently seen a lot of coverage and even more “expert analyses” on the state of the bond market, to the extent that the average investor, or the average citizen for that matter, is likely to be overwhelmed and very confused about what it all means. Experts from the institutional...
“Our prosperity is temporary and illusory. “ – Jeff Deist(9/23/2019)-As we go through an important paradigm shift in politics, in the global economy, in equity markets, and of course in precious metals too, the fundamental economic principles we used to rely on seem to be increasingly under attack. Central bankers the world over are doubling down on reckless monetary...
Is it platinum’s time to shine?(9/12/2019)-Even with seasoned precious metals investors, it is often the case that platinum gets overlooked, while gold and silver dominate the conversation over which metal affords the best long-term protection of one’s wealth. Nevertheless, platinum has proved to be an excellent store of value, while it also offers a number...
“The Eurozone faces the worst combination of economic and systemic risk”(9/3/2019)-Interview with Alasdair Macleod: The past few months have been an exciting time for gold investors, as the precious metal has seen a spike in demand after serious economic concerns and geopolitical tensions unsettled the markets. Many mainstream analysts have pointed to a number of recent events, from the US-China...
The Fed’s Capitulation: What It Means For Gold Investors(8/27/2019)-“Perhaps they think that they will exercise power for the general good, but that is what all those with power have believed. Power is evil in itself, regardless of who exercises it.” – Ludwig von Mises, Nation, State, and Economy After the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy U-turn earlier this...
“More of the same” at the ECB increases gold’s appeal(8/22/2019)-“The intellectual leaders of the peoples have produced and propagated the fallacies which are on the point of destroying liberty and Western civilization.” Ludwig von Mises, Planned Chaos It took multiple meetings and over 50 hours of official negotiations for EU leaders to reach an agreement on the appointments...
New solutions to old problems: The CoreLedger Decentralized Token Economy Operating System(8/13/2019)-“Systems which are in an unnatural state, like our current financial system, only need a push to relax all the accumulated energy and evolve into something new.” Dr. Johannes Schweifer, Co-Founder and CEO of CoreLedger. Following the rise and fall of Bitcoin and the crypto rush-and-crash of 2017, words...
“THE BIGGEST PROBLEM IS THE DEBT PROBLEM” – INTERVIEW WITH H.S.H. PRINCE MICHAEL OF LIECHTENSTEIN (PART II)(8/8/2019)-“Like medieval alchemy that failed to turn lead into gold, today’s easy-money folly of central banks and governments will lead to crisis, not economic growth and prosperity.” – H.S.H. Prince Michael of Liechtenstein Claudio Grass (CG): Despite its formidable tradition and the “Old-World” heritage that Liechtenstein was founded upon,...
THE ROAD TO SERFDOM – BY THE EXAMPLE OF VENEZUELA – PART II(7/25/2019)-“Inflationism, however, is not an isolated phenomenon. It is only one piece in the total framework of politico-economic and socio-philosophical ideas of our time. Just as the sound money policy of gold standard advocates went hand in hand with liberalism, free trade, capitalism and peace, so is inflationism part and...
The Road to Serfdom – by the example of Venezuela – Part I(7/23/2019)-“Venezuela is the current poster child of interventionist failure” When looking at the quality of the media coverage of Venezuela’s crisis and the interpretations of the factors that caused it, the superficiality of most analyses quickly becomes apparent. The explanations offered by many “experts” and commentators largely ignore the country’s...
The Swiss Legacy In Direct Democracy Is Exceptional(7/18/2019)-Produced and published by Global Gold. Our readers probably realize by now, what a proud Swiss fellow I am, and how I take every possible opportunity to argue how Switzerland presents itself as a role model to achieve radical decentralization and respect for civil liberties. It also assures the right...
In defense of Switzerland(7/5/2019)-An interview with Prof. Angelo M. Codevilla Following decades of the propagation of a false historical narrative regarding Switzerland’s role during WWII, an entire generation, especially in the West, has grown up with a distorted version of events, based on unfounded and unsubstantiated claims. To set the record straight, Claudio...
All this borrowing to consume is unsustainable and the bill is overdue(7/4/2019)-INTERVIEW WITH KEITH WEINER June has been an interesting month for gold, as geopolitical events, market fluctuations and developments on the monetary policy front fueled an exciting ride for the precious metal. As long-term investors with a strict focus on the big picture, short-term moves and speculative angles are largely...
Gold is the secret knowledge of the financial universe(6/27/2019)-Interview with Chris Powell Every seasoned gold investor and every student of monetary history has likely stumbled upon various theories about institutional manipulation of the gold market. While it is true that rarely is there smoke without fire, it is still important to approach this matter rationally and form opinions...
Why the Swiss Voted for More Gun Control(6/21/2019)-06/19/2019José Niño Listen to the Audio Mises Wire version of this article. On May 19, 2019, Swiss voters approved a new set of gun control restrictions. This newly-approved gun control measure would put Switzerland’s gun control laws in line with European Union standards. Under this new law, military-style, semi-automatic weapons...
INTERVIEW WITH CARLOS A. GEBAUER – PART II(6/19/2019)-You can’t eat a cake that has not even been baked yet! Claudio Grass (CG): How do you assess the steps taken so far to fend off the collapse of the pension system, like increasing the retirement age? Do you believe such measures will suffice and how do you evaluate...
INTERVIEW WITH CARLOS A. GEBAUER – PART I(6/11/2019)-“You can’t eat a cake that has not even been baked yet” For quite some time now, I have been closely following news and reports out of Germany regarding the country’s pension system and the immense pressure it is under, placing those who support it and depend on it at...
THE PENALTY FOR SAVING(5/30/2019)-In previous articles, we have outlined in great detail the many faults of the current monetary policy direction of major central banks and the large-scale economic impact of keeping interest rates artificially low. Among the worst offenders is the ECB, that is unapologetically persistent on continuing this exercise in absurdity...
THE WAR ON CASH: A CLOSER LOOK AT ITS FAR-REACHING IMPLICATIONS – PART II(5/27/2019)-Economic, social and human cost Beyond privacy, there is also widespread concern over the economic impact of a fully cashless system. For one thing, as citizens slowly become exclusively dependent on big banks and card companies the systemic risk to the wider economy spikes. But it goes further than that...
THE WAR ON CASH: A CLOSER LOOK AT ITS FAR-REACHING IMPLICATIONS- PART I(5/23/2019)-Much has been said and written over the last years on the topic of the gradual elimination of cash that we witness in our economic activity and everyday transactions. The massive and widespread political campaigns and practical measures geared at making cash a thing of the past and encouraging the...
THE CURRENT MONETARY ORDER IS NEARING ITS END(5/13/2019)-Interview with Dimitri Speck Given the massive intervention and monetary manipulation experiment by central banks over the last decade, the amount of distortions created in the market, as well as the record debt accumulation at all levels of the economy, have given rise to considerable risks for investors. For a...
Fed policy U-turn and US markets: “An eternally high plateau”(5/6/2019)-“An eternally high plateau” US markets made headlines once again, as they reached new highs recently, continuing a rally that seems to defy gravity and common sense. Despite the rise in investor anxiety and heightened volatility that seemed to signify a possible end to the bull market at the final...
TURKEY’S INEVITABLE RECESSION – PART II(5/2/2019)-Spillover effects Turkey’s debt problem, coupled with the plummeting lira, is arguably the most important risk factor for the nation’s economy. To make matters worse, far from it posing a threat just to Turkey itself, it also has the potential to inflict significant damage elsewhere too, starting with key economies...
TURKEY’S INEVITABLE RECESSION – PART I(4/28/2019)-Turkey has been almost constantly in the news over the past year, as troubling headlines about its economy and political situation continue to pile up. In a currency meltdown that escalated last summer, the Turkish lira has plunged by nearly 40%, threatening the Turkish economy as a whole. In January,...
THE WIEDMANN BIBLE – AN EXTRAORDINARY WORK OF ART(4/11/2019)-An interview with Martin Wiedmann The Wiedmann Bible is an extraordinary work of art and a testament its creator’s passion and dedication. Created by Willy Wiedmann in over 16 years, the book depicts the entire Old and New Testament in 3,333 hand-painted images. In its original leporello/concertina book form, it...
SOUND MONEY: A BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVE – PART II(4/8/2019)-«Because gold is honest money, it is disliked by dishonest men.“ – Ron Paul The value of silver and gold is given by their own nature Neither gold nor silver has value expressed in other units of account. Their value is expressed directly in their own weights. Everything else...
“You are known by the company you keep” – EU election campaign(4/4/2019)-With the EU elections fast approaching, this article, written by my dear and long-time friend Natalie Vein, offers a very different perspective. It focuses not on the choices on the ballot, but on the EU voting campaign itself. Most people are fixed on the political show at the front-end of the upcoming election, yet it’s much...
Sound money: A Biblical perspective – Part I(4/2/2019)-«It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain an idea without accepting it.» Aristotle In today’s world, it is obvious that the competition of ideas is under serious threat and with it, the much-needed discussions on how to deal with certain topics or try to...
Merger mania: Consolidation in the gold mining sector(3/26/2019)-Late last year, Barrick Gold, the world’s largest gold miner in terms of reserves, made headlines when it announced its acquisition of Randgold Resources, in an $18bn mega-merger that marked a key moment for the mining industry. In January, United States gold giant Newmont and principal rival of Barrick, made...
“Today’s EU is the embodiment of bureaucratic hubris”(3/19/2019)-Interview with Dr. Markus Krall: When it comes to identifying and evaluating the key vulnerabilities and inherent risks of the banking and financial system, there are few who have the insights and practical experience that is required to truly understand the scale of the issue and its investing implications. This...
Claudio Grass – Sound Money & Human Liberty Are Inextricably Linked(3/7/2019)-SBTV speaks with Claudio Grass, an independent precious metals adviser based in Switzerland. A proponent of sound money and the Austrian School of Economics, Claudio shares his convictions on why human liberty and sound money are inextricably linked. Discussed in this interview: 02:39 Relationship between liberty and sound money 06:51...
ECB: running out of runway – Part II(3/1/2019)-Knock-on effects Overall, under Mr. Draghi’s watch, the ECB’s balance sheet has ballooned to a previously unimaginable scale and aggressive policies like the extensive QE program and negative rates have encouraged the accumulation of debt and heavily distorted market mechanisms. Scores of “zombie” companies, that would have otherwise died off...
ECB: running out of runway – Part I(2/25/2019)-At the end of January, only a month after the official end of the QE program of the European Central Bank (ECB), its President Mario Draghi told the European Parliament’s committee that the central bank could resume its bond purchasing, in a questionable effort to assuage concerns over the impact...
Brexit: A country divided(2/20/2019)-One of the most commonly cited arguments initially against Brexit, and now against a no-deal scenario, is the towering threat of businesses leaving the UK. A great many campaigners and leading figures of the Remain camp have warned voters time and time again of the dangers to British industry and...
China: Harbinger of global economic decline(2/12/2019)-The latest numbers released by China’s statistics bureau fueled widespread concerns about the outlook of the global economy, as the Asian superpower reported its slowest growth rate since 1990. The figures showed a 6.6% growth for 2018, confirming the view that the growth engine of the world economy is running...
Crypto-crash: An optimistic post-mortem – Part II(2/5/2019)-Blatant security deficits and rampant fraud Over the last year, news of crypto hacks and heists became so prevalent that the new breaches were hardly worthy of reporting anymore. Among the headliners, however, was the Coincheck case, the Japanese exchange that lost over $530 million worth of the NEM cryptocurrency,...
Crypto-crash: An optimistic post-mortem – Part I(1/30/2019)-2018 was an Annus Horribilis for the entire crypto industry. Believers and crypto enthusiasts, swept up by the rally of 2017, found themselves on the wrong side of a crashing market. On the right side where the early critics, who were once accused of cynicism and a lack of imagination for...
Sound Money & Human Liberty Are Inextricably Linked(1/24/2019)-SilverBullion TV speaks with Claudio Grass, an independent precious metals adviser based in Switzerland. A proponent of sound money and the Austrian School of Economics, Claudio shares his convictions on why human liberty and sound money are inextricably linked. Discussed in this interview: 02:39 Relationship between liberty and sound money...
As Germany goes, so goes the Eurozone(1/22/2019)-Until recently, Germany has been the seemingly unbreakable workhorse that has pulled the European economy back from the brink and kept it ticking along through a myriad of internal and external pressures, as well as political crises, over the last decade. As the undeniable leader of the bloc, the country...
Yellow Vests: Shockwaves felt across the continent(1/9/2019)-When the first demonstrations on the streets of Paris were reported seven weeks ago, nobody could have foreseen the endurance, the tenacity and the viral effect of the Yellow Vests movement. After all, the French are known to protest and to strike, it’s part and parcel of their culture. However,...
War is the Health of the State(1/8/2019)-I wrote this article in 2015 – however, I believe it is still relevant, more than ever. For liberty, Claudio Produced and published by Global Gold. The Misfortune of Being Born Into a State In an essay titled “The State”, Randolph Bourne, an American writer, made a distinction between...
Money: How its past predicts its future – The denationalization of money!(1/3/2019)-What is money, where does it come from and more importantly where does it go? At first glance, it might appear inexplicable and bizarre that our governments and our rulers have managed to keep their stronghold over the monetary system for 2000 years, especially when one thinks about the countless...
The Great War Christmas Truce: ‘They Were Positively Human’(12/23/2018)-“Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas and only the very best for 2019! I hope you will enjoy reading this article, written by Hunter Derensis, which reminded me immediately of what Ayn Rand said about man: “ “Man – every man – is an end in himself, not a means...
Italy: The brewing storm(12/11/2018)-Over the last couple of years, the main challenge to EU cohesion has been Brexit, with the media sharply focused on the negotiations and all relevant developments. Since the release of the draft withdrawal agreement, largely perceived as a victory for the EU, those who support the European project and...
Venezuela: when fiat money reaches its intrinsic value(12/6/2018)-Over the last years, Venezuela has become a modern poster child for the failure of socialism and with good reason. It offers an abundance of lessons and stern warnings for many western nations, but it also provides a very insightful and relevant reminder for individual investors too. Economic, social and...
The many traps of paper gold(12/3/2018)-As the historic bull market is approaching its end, with volatility increasing and investor anxiety climbing, interest in gold is sure to be soon renewed. After stock markets revert to an uncertain, bearish stage, a seismic shift towards safety and capital preservation is bound to take place. Nervous investors looking...
BIG PICTURE: PAPER MONEY VS. GOLD(11/13/2018)-“A trillion is hard to truly take in and understand; $80 trillion in debt is something already so far beyond our grasp, that it might as well be $100, $200, or $300 and it would almost make no conceptual difference. A good way to correct this dissonance is just think...
Former JP Morgan trader pleads guilty to manipulating US metals markets for years(11/7/2018)-“New York-based J.P. Morgan declined to comment on the case through a spokesman. It was reported earlier by the Financial Times.” An ex-J.P. Morgan Chase trader has admitted to manipulating the U.S. markets of an array of precious metals for about seven years — and he has implicated his supervisors...
Impact Is Imminent: Getting Into Gold, Getting Out of the Euro (and Dollar)(11/5/2018)-by Patrick Henningsen – this article was originally published on 21st Century Wire. It’s been a decade since the financial crash of 2008 which we now know was orchestrated by Wall Street and a compromised US Treasury Dept. Many believe that the very practice which triggered the collapse back then...
China’s monetary policy must change – by Alasdair Macleod(11/5/2018)-“Major-General Qiao Liang, the People’s Liberation Army strategist, in a speech to the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Committee (CCPCC) in April 2015 identified a cycle of dollar weakness against other currencies followed by strength, which first inflated debt in foreign countries and then bankrupted them. That then allowed US business...
East trusts in physical gold while West prefers ‘mindless optimism’ – Claudio Grass to RT(11/3/2018)-RT: For years, Russia, China, India as well as many Asian countries have been stockpiling gold. More recently, countries like Poland and Hungary have begun to increase national gold reserves. What’s behind the move? Claudio Grass: Let’s look at the core motivation that drives anyone to become an owner of...
ZUR SACHE: China – Greift der Drache nach der Pole-Position?(10/23/2018)-Vor einigen Tagen wurde ich von KenFM zu einem Gespräch nach Berlin eingeladen. Viel Spass beim Anschauen – Rückmeldungen sind stets willkommen. Einführung von KenFM: Heute präsentieren wir die Premiere unseres neuen Formats “ZUR SACHE”. Bei diesem Format geht es im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes ans Eingemachte. Gäste mit unterschiedlichsten...
Lew Rockwell wins the prestigious Roland Baader Prize in Hamburg(9/10/2018)-A little while ago, I had the pleasure to step in as an Ambassador for the Mises Institute and receive the Roland Baader Prize on behalf of Lew Rockwell, as he unfortunately wasn’t able to travel to Germany due to health issues. He received this prestigious prize for his life-time...
There will be a fake Brexit, dressed up to look like Brexit but will fool nobody!(8/28/2018)-Before becoming a politician, Godfrey Bloom worked in the City of London for forty years & won fixed interest investment prizes. Discontent with over-regulation of this sector, he entered the world of politics in 2004, as a Member of the European Parliament. Bloom represented Yorkshire as an independent MEP for...
Connecting the Dots Behind the Curtain? by Martin Armstrong(8/24/2018)-“The weaker the State is, the less power it has to commit crime”. Albert Jay Nock There is an interesting piece running around the internet that someone has put together. Indeed, the characters in the play are all incredibly connected and it certainly appears that there is a deep and...
Debunking A Century of War Lies(8/17/2018)-“Truth is treason in the empire of lies” George Orwell To understand the present it is important to know the past. This video covers different wars and how they have been sold to the masses. It is fully in line with what I have learned during my personal journey through...
Der Kampf zwischen Geist und Materie(8/15/2018)-Wie wir den Marxismus im Zeitalter der Massenkommunikation überwinden Bildquelle: shutterstock.comLängst widerlegt, aber immer noch verehrt: Karl Marx Der Königsberger Philosoph Immanuel Kant beschrieb eine geistige Seite, die für die menschliche Vernunft steht, da in seinen Augen die Wirklichkeit in radikaler Weise durch Erkenntnis und Denken bestimmt ist. Das ist...
The End of Everything?(8/13/2018)-In times of political correctness it is dangerous to debate different ideas. However, Martin Armstrong gives a pretty good overview about the system we are in. Same mechanics for a long time already. The most important message comes at the end of his video – I hope you will enjoy...
Biography of David Rockefeller – Matrix 2.0(8/10/2018)-I very much like James Corbett – this is true journalism for the people and not against the people….. check it out…but watch out, whenever you dig for the truth you need to be ready for it.
US-Dollar ist die größte Blase – China hält dagegen!(7/18/2018)-China baut auf dem internationalen Finanzmarkt Alternativen zum US-Dollar und den USA auf. Ein Beispiel dafür ist die Einführung der ersten Rohöl-Terminkontrakte in Yuan an der Shanghaier Börse. Auch westliche Länder realisieren, dass die größte Finanzblase der US-Dollar selbst ist. von Ali Özkök Claudio Grass ist Wirtschaftskommentator, Edelmetallberater in der...
Marshall-Plan diente der Schaffung eines Absatzmarktes für die Überproduktion der USA(7/18/2018)-Die USA wollen seit der Übernahme der globalen Vormacht nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg Europa von Russland fernhalten, um die eigene Kontrolle über Eurasien auch in Zukunft zu sichern. Außerdem war eines der wichtigsten Ziele des Marshall-Plans die Schaffung eines Absatzmarktes in Europa für die Überproduktion der USA. von Ali Özkök...
Separating the Signals from the Noise(7/18/2018)-Before you listen to the podcast, I would like to provide some additional context and background to the discussion, that could offer a deeper understanding and further dimensions to the positions and arguments that we’ll elaborate on with Todd Horwitz. Todd Horwitz is known as Bubba and is chief market...
Cultural Marxism and the Birth of Modern Thought-Crime(7/4/2018)-Cultural Marxism seems to go mainstream. Let’s open up the debate and exchange some thoughts involving different perspectives. Here is mine. Produced and published by Global Gold. What the Establishment Wants, the Establishment Gets If a person has no philosophical thoughts, certain questions will never cross his mind. As a...
Swiss government Pension System chooses gold bullion over paper claims(7/2/2018)-Another country is betting on physical gold. Switzerland’s pension fund has boosted its investments in bullion, switching from the paper-backed securities in US dollars. “The Swiss government Pension System decided to change from paper gold in the amount of 700 million CHF into physical gold and store it in Switzerland....
Chris Marcus: Why Would China Allow The Gold Price To Be Suppressed?(6/28/2018)-If the precious metals markets are manipulatively suppressed lower as many allege (and as court records and other sources document with evidence), one of the questions many often raise is why would China allow this to occur? Many look at the developments with the Yuan (such as the creation of...
Chris Marcus: Warum würde China eine Unterdrückung des Goldpreises erlauben?(6/28/2018)-Wenn die Edelmetallmärkte manipulativ niedrig gedrückt werden – wie so viele vermuten (und wie Gerichtsprotokolle und andere Quelle mit Beweisen dokumentieren) – dann wäre eine der Fragen, die sich viele Leute stellen: Warum sollte China dies zulassen? Viele betrachten die Entwicklungen um den Yuan (wie die Erschaffung des Petroyuan, seine...
Währungskrieg kann die globale Dominanz des US-Dollars beenden(6/26/2018)-Die Welt befindet sich in einem Währungskrieg, und die beste Absicherung gegen einen Absturz des US-Dollars sei echtes Gold, sagte ein Analyst im Gespräch mit RT. Mit der Verschiebung der geopolitischen Macht von West nach Ost könnte die Dominanz der USA enden. Anzeichen dafür sind diverse jüngste Rückführungen von Gold...
Currency war can end global US dollar dominance & those who own gold have power(6/26/2018)-The world is facing a currency war and the only hedge against the crash of the US dollar is real gold, a precious metal analyst has told RT. With geopolitical power shifting from West to East, US dominance may be ending. One such sign is the recent repatriation of gold...
Wichtigster Schweizer Pensionsfonds schwenkt auf physisches Gold um!(6/22/2018)-Wie Sie wissen, spreche ich normalerweise in höchsten Tönen von der Schweiz und ihrer Kultur der direkten Demokratie, die auf dem Subsidiaritätsprinzip und der freien Rede basiert. Das Subsidiaritätsprinzip steht für das Grundprinzip, dass Aufgaben, Handlungen und Problemlösungen so weit wie möglich vom Einzelnen, von der kleinsten Gruppe oder der...
Gold-Update mit Claudio Grass Anfang Juni 2018(6/21/2018)-Welche geo- und finanzpolitischen Entwicklungen könnten sich auf die weitere Entwicklung des Goldpreises auswirken? Wie sieht Claudio Grass (unabhängiger Berater im Bereich Edelmetalle) den Ausblick für die Gold und Silber? Darüber haben wir mit dem Botschafter des Ludwig von Mises Instituts Auburne/USA auf der Mark Banco Anlegertagung Anfang Juni 2018...
Cultural Marxist War Against Humanity(6/21/2018)-Claudio Grass returns to SGT Report to discuss precious metals and the war against humanity that’s being waged by the banking elite and their cultural Marxist proxy armies.
Video-Beitrag IfAAM-Tagung – Von der Mark Banco bis zu Krypto (mit ROLAND BAADER-Auszeichnung)(6/19/2018)-Eignen sich Kryptowährungen als “besseres Geld”? Wie lange hat das Euro-System noch Bestand? Und inwiefern eignet sich Austrian Asset Management als Investmentstil für eine Geldsystemkrise? Unter anderem über diese Aspekte wurde auf der mittlerweile 9. Mark Banco Anlegertagung Anfang Juni 2018 in Hamburg diskutiert. Neben geldtheoretischen Themen und wertvollen Tipps...
The Global Community is Unhappy With the Monetary System, Change is Coming(6/19/2018)-Our friend Claudio Grass of Precious Metal Advisory Switzerland was recently interviewed by the X22 Report on cryptocurrencies and gold. He offers interesting perspectives on cryptocurrencies, bringing them into context with Hayek’s idea of the denationalization of money. The connection is that they have originated in the market and exist...
Das Erbe der Achtundsechziger – Kulturmarxismus und die Geburt des modernen Gedankenverbrechens(6/14/2018)-Woran liegt es, dass der Westen und seine kulturelle Identität so tief gesunken sind, insbesondere warum familiäre Werte so dramatisch abgebaut haben. Ein klareres Verständnis der historischen Evolution dieser jahrhundertealten Frage und ihrer weitreichenden Konsequenzen wird uns eine wertvolle Einsicht in die intellektuelle Krise der westlichen Gesellschaften sowie die strategische...
Wirtschaftsexperte Grass: “Müssen für eine Verwüstung von viel größerem Ausmaß vorbereitet sein”(6/14/2018)-Seit der Finanzkrise 2008 haben die Zentralbanken Billionen von US-Dollar in die Weltwirtschaft gepumpt. Diese Billionen wurden jedoch aus dem Nichts geschaffen, so Claudio Grass von Precious Metal Advisory Switzerland. In einem RT-Interview sagte Grass: Ich glaube, selbst der durchschnittliche Mensch auf der Straße in der westlichen Welt erkennt, dass...
VOLLGELD-INITIATIVE: BEKOMMT DIE SCHWEIZ EIN NEUES GELDSYSTEM? – TEIL II(6/13/2018)-Eine alte Idee im neuen Gewand Die Idee des 100%-Geldes an sich ist nicht neu. Bereits während der Weltwirtschaftskrise der 1930er Jahre schlugen Ökonomen der Universität von Chicago vor, dass Banken verpflichtet sein sollten, als Reserven gleichwertige Guthaben bei der Zentralbank zu hinterlegen. Das Interesse an der Idee ließ nach,...
VOLLGELD-INITIATIVE: BEKOMMT DIE SCHWEIZ EIN NEUES GELDSYSTEM? – TEIL I(6/13/2018)-Vor rund 3 ½ Jahren wurde ich zu einem Podiumsgespräch eingeladen, welches die Vollgeld-Initianten damals organisierten. Dieses fand einige Wochen vor der Abstimmung zur Goldinitiative in der Schweiz statt. Ich wurde damals angefragt, ob ich Lukas Reimann zusammen mit Luzi Stamm (beide gehörten zu den Hauptinitianten der Goldinitiative), in dieser...
DER KAMPF GEGEN DAS BARGELD – TEIL II(6/13/2018)-Unbeabsichtigte Folgen Im Gegensatz zur Behauptung der Regierungen, dass der Normalbürger in seinem täglichen Leben kein Bargeld mehr bräuchte und dass die Beschränkungen nur Kriminelle und Steuerhinterzieher beträfen, führen die Regulierungen zur finanziellen Ausgrenzung. Tatsächlich leiden die schwächsten Teile der Gesellschaft, die Armen und Älteren, unter den verhängten Maßnahmen. Ältere...
DER KAMPF GEGEN DAS BARGELD – TEIL I(6/13/2018)-„Wer die Freiheit aufgibt, um Sicherheit zu gewinnen, wird am Ende beides verlieren. „ Benjamin Franklin Mit dem Aufkommen von Kreditkartengeld für alltägliche Zahlungen, Online-Banking und Bezahl-Apps, die alle als moderne Alternativen zum Bargeld beworben und angenommen werden, ermutigt man den Durchschnittsbürger heutzutage aktiv dazu, sich vom materiellen Geld zu...
Real global economy on a road to nowhere – expert to RT(6/13/2018)-Since the 2008 financial crisis, central banks have pumped trillions of dollars into the global economy. However, those trillions were created out of thin air, according to Claudio Grass of Precious Metal Advisory Switzerland. Claudio Grass told RT: “I believe even the average person on the street in the Western...
WAS MOTIVIERT SIE, PHYSISCHES GOLD UND SILBER ZU KAUFEN UND ZU HALTEN?(6/13/2018)-Nun, am besten erzähle ich Ihnen meine Geschichte. Alles begann im Jahr 2004. Während ich mich im Mittleren Osten für die Vereinten Nationen (UNO) als Schweizer Offizier engagierte, las ich ein Buch meines Landsmannes und Bankiers Ferdinand Lips. Der Titel: „Die Gold Verschwörung“. Wie Sie sich vorstellen können, war ich...
“Gegen Übermacht des US-Dollars” – Türkei holt Gold aus den USA zurück(6/13/2018)-“Die Zentralbanken haben bereits vor einigen Jahren mit der Repatriierung begonnen, also bevor wir Brexit, Katalonien, Trump, AfD oder die steigenden Spannungen zwischen dem Brüssel und den Nationen Osteuropas hatten”, sagte Claudio Grass von Precious Metal Advisory Switzerland gegenüber RT. Ihm zufolge dezentralisiert sich die Welt immer mehr: Wenn wir...
Turkey’s Gold Repatriation ‘Sign of Coming End’ of US-Dominated Monetary System(6/13/2018)-The Turkish Central Bank has decided to bring its 220 tons-worth of gold home from the US. The country’s largest commercial banks have followed suit. Claudio Grass, a Mises Institute ambassador and consultant at Switzerland’s Precious Metal Advisory, explained why the move is a sign of the impending return to...
BITCOIN UND KRYPTOWÄHRUNGEN – DIE DEZENTRALE ZUKUNFT DES GELDES(6/13/2018)-Der Anfang der Entstaatlichung des Geldes Mit der Entwicklung von Bitcoin und der zugrundeliegenden Blockchain-Technologie wurde es zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte möglich, dezentrales digitales Geld zu erzeugen, ohne dabei auf Finanzintermediäre wie Zentralbanken und Geschäftsbanken angewiesen zu sein. Während herkömmliche Fiatwährungen wie der Euro oder der US-Dollar von...
The Global Community Is Unhappy With The Current Monetary System, Change Is Coming: Claudio Grass(4/5/2018)-Every coin has two sides – Technology can free or enslave us… Excerpt from the podcast: In a way I see crypto as the materialization of Friedrich August Hayek’s Idea, that he described back in 1976, namely as the denationalization of money. If we see the value and philosophy of...
Switzerland Using Crypto to Regain Banking Privacy, Says Claudio Grass(4/5/2018)-Mar 30 – FS Insider interviews Claudio Grass at Precious Metal Advisory Switzerland on current drivers in the gold market—real interest rates, the Japanese yen, geopolitical uncertainty—and to also discuss the latest development in… Preview and sign-up for full podcast
Die Schweiz als Modell für den Rest der Welt – Teil II(4/5/2018)-„Die Demokratie, die wir kennen, muss scheitern, und so viele Menschen werden enttäuscht sein, dass sie sich eventuell gemeinsam gegen die Demokratie wenden. Ursache ist aber nur ein ganz spezieller Fehler unseres demokratischen Systems. Es ist überhaupt nicht notwendig, dass Demokratie ein allmächtiges Parlament bedeuten muss. Die meiste Zeit der...
DIE SCHWEIZ ALS MODELL FÜR DEN REST DER WELT – TEIL I(4/5/2018)-Während sich das Abendland weiterhin auf seinen jahrhundertelangen Abstieg in starre Zentralisierung, allgegenwärtige Regulierung und monetäre Manipulation bewegt, erkennen mehr und mehr Bürger, vor allem Sparer und Anleger, dass ihre Eigentumsrechte, ihre Privatsphäre und ihre finanzielle Souveränität immer stärker eingeschränkt werden. Erhebliche Regierungsgewalt und erhöhte Machtstellung über Wirtschaft und Märkte...
Death knell tolls for the euro as more European nations repatriate gold – expert to RT(3/27/2018)-The latest trend among European countries of bringing home their gold reserves has been raising concerns in Brussels. RT talked to Claudio Grass of Precious Metal Advisory Switzerland to understand what’s behind that trend. According to Grass, the process means disintegration, which usually comes with instability, unrest, more government intervention...
Expertengespräch mit RT: “Es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis der Euro zusammenbricht”(3/27/2018)-Der jüngste Trend der europäischen Länder, ihre Goldreserven zurückzuholen, hat in Brüssel Besorgnis ausgelöst. RT hat mit dem Experten Claudio Grass gesprochen, um zu verstehen, was hinter diesem Trend steckt. Die Welt entfernt sich von einem zentralisierten System, so Grass. Der Experte Claudio Grass, vom “Precious Metal Advisory Switzerland”: Die...
VÖLLIG LOSGELÖST – DIE SCHWEIZERISCHE NATIONALBANK UND DAS GOLD(3/27/2018)-Mehr als 80 Jahre war die Schweizerische Nationalbank eine unabhängige Institution – alleine der Geldwertstabilität und dem Wohl der Schweizer Bevölkerung verpflichtet. Garant hierfür war die Goldbindung des Franken. Geschichte lässt uns „Spuren der Vergangenheit“ erkennen und die damit verbundenen Trends beurteilen. Beispielsweise lässt sich so relativ einfach feststellen, ob...
Friedrich August von Hayek and the denationalisation of money with Claudio Grass/(3/18/2018)-On Show 20 of the MisesUK.Org podcast, regular host Andy Duncan spoke with Claudio Grass, a Mises Ambassador for the Mises Institute and a precious metals advisor based in Switzerland, about Hayek’s ideas on the denationalisation of money. These stem from Hayek’s book on this subject first published in 1976....
Historic Bond Bubble Means Fastest Rate Rise Ever – Martin Armstrong(12/22/2017)-“The boom cannot continue indefinitely. There are two alternatives. Either the banks continue the credit expansion without restriction and thus cause constantly mounting price increases and an ever-growing orgy of speculation – which, as in all other cases of unlimited inflation, ends in a “crack-up boom” and in a collapse...
Fake News!(12/15/2017)-“Enlightenment is man’s emergence from his self-imposed nonage. Nonage is the inability to use one’s understanding without another’s guidance. This nonage is self-imposed if its cause lies not in lack of understanding but in indecision and lack of courage to use one’s mind without another’s guidance. Sauere Aude! Dare to...
Russia-China real gold standard means end of US dollar dominance on RT News(12/10/2017)-The BRICS counties are considering starting an internal gold trading platform, according to Russian officials. When this happens, the global economy will be significantly reshaped, and the West will lose its dominance, predicts a precious metals expert. In 2016, 24,338 tons of physical gold were traded, which was 43 percent...
BANKERS FREAKING OVER BITCOIN — Claudio Grass(12/9/2017)-Claudio Grass joined me on Thursday at the very moment Bitcoin briefly reached $19,000 causing old guard Central Bankers like Alan Greenspan to emerge from the crypt and announce “it’s irrational.” So was this the blow off top, or a glimpse of things to come? Clif High predicts $40,000 Bitcoin...
Jeff Deist on Why Smaller is Better(11/28/2017)-Jeff Deist, President of the Mises Insitute in Auburne ( spoke last week at a meeting of America’s Future Foundation ( on the why smaller government units are better, and how the Swiss principle of subsidiarity could help ease the nasty cultural and political divides facing America. Virtually every aspect...
Cracks in the Financial System are Showing Everywhere(11/28/2017)-Claudio Grass joins us in today’s insightful interview, we cover the latest news and updates in the Gold Markets and ideal types of Bullion. Bitcoin is still rallying and we uncover the variety of motives users have when purchasing Digital Assets and also covered is the situation in the EU...
Responsa Liberta & Claudio Grass about decentralization and alternative currencies – German/Deutsch(11/12/2017)-Auf der Internationalen Edelmetall- und Rohstoffmesse Anfang November 2017 in München haben wir mit Claudio Grass (, unabhängiger Berater im Bereich Edelmetalle, über das Thema Währungen gesprochen. Wie schätzt er Gold und die derzeit viel diskutierten Kryptowaehrungen ein? Und welche Vorteile sieht er in dezentralen Systemen wie der Schweiz? In...
Sound Money Sound Society Podcast Interview with Dr. Mark Thornton – November 2017(10/31/2017)-Sound Money Sound Society Podcast: Interview with Dr. Mark Thornton – November 2017 In a recent interview with Mark Thornton, Claudio Grass discussed a number of key issues and shared his point of view on important economic and geopolitical matters that are on many citizens’ minds, within the US and...
Claudio Grass and Jeff Deist on Whether Switzerland can Save the World – Mises Institute(10/31/2017)-Switzerland is no libertarian paradise. It has bureaucrats and a wayward central bank. But it remains an astonishing modern example of the principles of federalism and subsidiarity in action. In fact, it exemplifies Lew Rockwell’s daydream: nobody much knows or cares who is president. Its federal administrative state demonstrates humility...
Physical Gold is the Only Way to Play(9/27/2017)-Precious Metals Expert Claudio Grass Joins Bubba This is The Bubba Show in which the following topics are discussed: The FED and the mess they have made of the economy. Both agree that the monetary policy is a joke and that their devaluation of the dollar is really just a...
Events(7/7/2017)-What Attending/Speaking When Where Property and Freedom Society Attending Sept, 14 – 19, 2017 Hotel Karia Princess, Bodrum, Turkey
Investment Conference 2017 with investment conference – Precious Metals as your Monetary Insurance(5/9/2017)-2hWealthcare Investment Conference 2017 with Naomi Prins Precious Metals as your Monetary Insurance, Buckinghamshire, March 2017 Short introduction about how money came into existence, the origin of the banking system and boom bust cycles. Overview about Gold in general and China in particular. The big geopolitical shift we are going through...
Claudio Grass: “People Need To Understand That Their Biggest Asset Is Individual Liberty”(3/12/2017)-In his latest interview for the X22 Report, Claudio Grass shares his views on the future of the Euro, the Trump Presidency, the collapsing monetary system and the advantage of gold in these times of global uncertainty. As election season is upon us in Europe and the both political and...
Is Trump Bad News For Gold After All?(2/6/2017)-Produced and published by Global Gold. “Unexpected” is an understatement when describing the outcome of the US presidential elections. Trump’s win defied all odds, rattled markets and shook social media. Clinton had maintained a steady lead for months in almost every national poll and early voters’ count. The media was...
Gold Investing In 2016 Justified By Global Paradigm Shifts In Politics And Markets(11/22/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. In the past few months, we witnessed a series of defining moments in our political history, with Britain’s vote to Brexit, (several) terror attacks in France and Germany, up to the recent attempted military coup in Europe’s backyard, Turkey. Ultimately, observers are uncertain about...
Gold Still In A Bull Market. Why Fundamentals Outweigh Short-Term Market Gains.(11/1/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. 2016 is gold’s big bull run. The precious metal rose close to 20% this year, pushed by a summer rally that peaked on July 10th. But then, gold experienced a bumpy ride during the remainder of the summer, as investors were concerned about the...
Love Him Or Hate Him: Trump Is The Revolution Against The Establishment(10/25/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. The 2016 U.S. presidential elections are unprecedented: I don’t believe we have ever witnessed before a campaign year so toxic, so dangerously divisive and ad hominem. Both camps have vilified the opposition and their followers, creating a schism in society. There has been no...
Is It Safe To Travel To Europe?(10/12/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. In recent months, more and more of our clients and friends from overseas are asking us whether it is safe to travel to Europe. These fears are understandable, given the media coverage of the tragic events that occurred this year. The press painted a...
The Undemocratic Nature of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership(9/29/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. Mounting Resistance Thousands of people recently demonstrated in Brussels against free trade deals negotiated by the EU. This happened just days before a meeting of EU trade ministers in Bratislava last Friday, which was considered the last push to salvage the Transatlantic Trade and...
Claudio Grass: We See Already So Many Cracks In The System(9/20/2016)-Last week, Claudio Grass, Managing Director at Global Gold Switzerland, was interviewed by Bubba over at The topics in this fascinating interview range from central banking monetary policies, the refugees crisis, libertarian issues, and political trends. In this article, we highlight 8 questions/answers, and we recommend readers to download the...
Crimea: Digging For The Truth(9/12/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. This summer witnessed a renewed escalation between Russia and Ukraine after Russian President Vladimir Putin accused Ukraine of sending saboteurs to attack Russian troops, targeting “critical infrastructure”. Kiev denied the allegations and claimed Russia’s “fantasy” was nothing but a false pretense to launch a...
Risks Of Loose Money – Exposing The Link Between Monetary Policy And Social Inequality(8/22/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. It has been almost eight years since former U.S. President George W. Bush warned the world that “ without immediate action by Congress, America could slip into a financial panic and a distressing scenario would unfold.” The government’s response to the crisis was a...
The Rise of the Right in Europe(8/11/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. Since World War II, the political center has maintained its grip on power, enforcing its vision for a fully integrated unified and uniform Europe– that is, until now. The past few years have brought about the rise of a new force in Europe, causing...
The Untold History of Black Gold(8/10/2016)-This article appeared in Global Gold’s Clean Slate report, produced and published by Global Gold. The Middle East is historically known as a turbulent region with great instability and even greater Western military interventionism. Wars and conflicts in the region have been numerous. But ever since the 2003 war in...
The Fabian Society And The Gradual Rise Of Statist Socialism(8/4/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. The Brexit referendum has revealed the existence of a deep polarization in British politics. Apart from the public faces of the opposing campaigns, there were however also undisclosed parties with a vested interest which few people have heard about. And yet, they have been...
Gold Investing In 2016 Justified By Global Paradigm Shifts In Politics And Markets(8/3/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. In the past few months, we witnessed a series of defining moments in our political history, with Britain’s vote to Brexit, (several) terror attacks in France and Germany, up to the recent attempted military coup in Europe’s backyard, Turkey. Ultimately, observers are uncertain about...
Ronald Stoeferle: Central Banks In Lose-Lose Situation(7/26/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. Claudio Grass, Global Gold: Ronald, it is a pleasure to have the opportunity to speak with you. We’ve known each other for a very long time, both on a personal and professional level. Because of our central banks, we find our economies today operating...
End of an Era: The Rise and Fall of the Petrodollar system(7/12/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. The intricate relationship between energy markets and our global financial system, can be traced back to the emergence of the petrodollar system in the 1970s, which was mainly driven by the rise of the United States as an economic and political superpower. For almost...
Oil Price Dive: Explanations Beyond Supply and Demand(6/30/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. The oil price is considered a benchmark that affects the global energy market, which represents about 7% of world GDP. It is also a determinant factor affecting other commodity markets that have experienced a correlated drop, ever since oil entered its downward spiral. To...
Gold-Oil Ratio: Will There Be Trouble Ahead?(6/21/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. “Saudi Arabia killed OPEC and buried it,” a senior OPEC source from a non-Gulf producer was quoted as saying to the press. This statement identifies the key to the havoc we’ve witnessed in oil markets during the last couple of years. WTI crude oil...
Will The UK Write History Towards Freedom?(6/16/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. We are one week away from the EU referendum, the moment when the British people will be called upon to make a historic decision – will they vote to “Brexit” or to “Bremain”? Both camps have been going at each other with fierce campaigns...
Claudio Grass Talks to Godfrey Bloom(6/13/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. Before becoming a politician, Godfrey Bloom worked for 35 years in finance and investment management. Discontent with over-regulation of this sector, he entered the world of politics in 2004, as a Member of the European Parliament. Bloom started as a representative for the UK...
How the United States Exports Its Inflation(6/8/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. The dollar is currently the international measure of value. It has been so since it became the international reserve currency, as a result of the Bretton Woods agreement in 1944, following WWII. This agreement enabled the US to redesign the architecture of the global...
Will The Swiss Guarantee 75,000 CHF For Every Family?(5/24/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. In the beginning of June the Swiss will be called upon to make a historic decision. Switzerland is the first country worldwide to put the idea of an Unconditional Basic Income to a vote and the outcome of this referendum will set a strong...
Ron Paul: What Do The Swiss Know That We Don’t?(5/2/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. Claudio Grass was invited to the Liberty Report from Dr. Ron Paul. This article higlights the discussion between both men, which was centered around the decentralized Swiss system, libertarianism, the European Union, and cultural Marxism. Dr. Ron Paul: I’ve always been fascinated with Switzerland:...
Claudio Grass: Switzerland’s Resistance to the European Union(4/27/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. In this article, Claudio Grass analyzes the weak fundamentals of the European Union, and how Switzerland is opposing the idea of joining it. This article is based on an interview conduced by Wake Up Call Podcast, it highlights several key thoughts in a question/answer format....
Gold Once Again Proves To Be The Best Defense Strategy(4/6/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. If you are used to making visits to your bank to make your credit card payments, you may find this no longer an option in the future. Some banks are no longer accepting (or limiting their acceptance) of cash deposits. The war on cash...
Men Against the Establishment(3/31/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. Very recently, the Swiss National Council voted to withdraw the country’s dormant application to join the European Union (EU). A clear majority of Swiss voters are not interested in joining the EU. And no democratically sanctioned application was ever submitted. However, it has been...
Fractional Reserve Banking is a Fraud – Claudio Grass Interviewed(3/21/2016)-Bloomberg has numerous offices around the world, many of which appear to have quite an independent streak, at least that is our impression. Readers who occasionally watch clips from Bloomberg’s Asia Edition are probably aware of this. One can often see in-depth interviews there with people who espouse views far...
Bloomberg TV Bulgaria: Franctional Reserve Banking Is A Fraud(3/12/2016)-The Swiss “Vollgeld” Initiative Revisited Bloomberg has numerous offices around the world, many of which appear to have quite an independent streak, at least that is our impression. Readers who occasionally watch clips from Bloomberg’s Asia Edition are probably aware of this. One can often see in-depth interviews there with...
Thomas DiLorenzo on the Economy, the War on Cash, Political Correctness and the Election(3/3/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. Claudio Grass Interviews Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo Claudio Grass, Managing Director at Global Gold Switzerland, talks to libertarian Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo, an American economist and representative of the Austrian School of Economics, well known for his fierce libertarian approach in criticizing government intervention. This exclusive...
Radical Decentralization Ensures Sovereignty of the People(2/25/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. Our readers probably realize by now what a proud Swiss fellow I am, and how I take every possible opportunity to argue that Switzerland represents a role model for achieving radical decentralization and respect for civil liberties. When municipalities, cities or smaller states are...
The World is Red(2/22/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. Markets have corrected substantially since the beginning of the year as most of the gains of the past two years have been erased. According to Bloomberg, 40 out of the largest 63 markets have dropped over 20%. The image below shows the performance of markets...
Paris Attacks Legitimize a New Wave of Counter-Terrorism and Emergency Laws(1/22/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. The tragic Paris attacks are leading me to raise questions once again, since it is the second time that France has topped the news headlines this year. I believe that followers of Global Gold’s Outlook Report are by now aware that I am a big fan...
Switzerland Publicly Questions Fractional Reserve Banking System(1/12/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. In this interview with, Claudio Grass helps explain the recent Swiss referendum to end the fractional reserve lending. The referendum known as the “Vollgeld Initiative” would require banks to hold 100% reserves against their deposits. In other words, commercial banks woud become ‘money...
Professor Fekete About Gold And The Debt Society(1/10/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. GLOBAL GOLD: “Prof. Fekete, it is a pleasure to have this opportunity to talk to you. You are a fierce critic of the current monetary system and a strong proponent of the gold standard, particularly the variety that combines with the Real Bills Doctrine (RBD)...
Liberland: Claudio Grass Interviews Vít Jedlička(1/7/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. Vít Jedlička is a Czech politician, publicist and activist. He received his Bachelor’s degree from the University of Economics, Prague in 2009 and his Master’s degree from CEVRO Institut in 2014. Since 2009, he has been a member of the Free Citizens Party, where...
Six Signs That 2016 Will Be Much Worse Than 2015(1/3/2016)-Produced and published by Global Gold. In the course of 2015 we have witnessed several events that had, and will have, negative repercussions on individual freedom. Orwellian totalitarianism is increasingly creeping into our everyday lives. How much more intrusive will the violations of our liberties become and for how long...
Was Charlie Hebdo a “Convenient” Incident for Policymakers?(6/3/2015)-Produced and published by Global Gold. Many Questions On the 7th of January two gunmen attacked the office of Charlie Hebdo, a French weekly magazine. The shooters were two brothers who belonged to the Yemeni branch of the Islamist terrorist organization Al-Qaeda. The attack resulted in 11 casualties and many...
Switzerland is the Ultimate Safe Haven for Liberty and Wealth(5/20/2015)-Produced and published by Global Gold. At Global Gold, I am often asked what we would do if, for example, the US were to come out with a confiscation order. My reply is: We would do nothing whatsoever! Why? Quite simply, because no one in Switzerland has the political power to...
The Beauty of Deflation(2/10/2015)-Produced and published by Global Gold. Deflation Paranoia The euro zone’s consumer price inflation rate declined below 1% in early 2014, getting closer to zero during 2014, nowhere near the ambitious 2% benchmark set by central banks. A further small downward adjustment in the inflation rate has put it into...
Claudio Grass talks to Václav Klaus – Our Freedom Is Endangered(2/3/2015)-Produced and published by Global Gold. Liberty … … is a fundamental human right; it is the cornerstone of our existence. But liberty is under attack from all directions, whether through higher state control or individuals themselves. Liberty is in search for its protector. We were given the opportunity to...
Claudio Grass talks to Dr. Ron Paul(11/14/2014)-Produced and published by Global Gold. Last month, Global Gold’s Claudio Grass met with Dr. Ron Paul in Lake Jackson, Texas at the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity. Here we show you how their discussion unfolded. (Photo via Claudio Grass) Global Gold: Dr. Paul, thank you very...